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“My friend Tommy Ricci was gunned down last month…” I say, ignoring his goons. This fucker isn’t going to rattle me. He can show off his men and his wealth and whatever the fuck else he wants. I don’t care. It’s been a month and we’re losing Tommy. I need answers. I need blood. “I want to know why? Who did it? Who hired the hit on him?”

That was the best way to start. We had the intel from the computer. The threats and the plan. What we don’t know is what happened next.

“Really? You expect me to just tell you? Really?” He laughs again.

“I’m offering ten grand for information.” Ten g’s is all he was going to get.

He laughs again. “You fucking prick… I’m offended. Do I look small time to you?” he balks, staring me down. “Ten grand to a notable member of The Triad. Really, motherfucker?”

Salvatore tenses next to me. I knew he was getting worked up. His temper was actually worse than mine. He just has a handle on it, unlike me.

“Want it or not?” Salvatore asks, taking over from me.

“What do you think?” Snade throws back. “A hundred grand at the least.”

Wow, this guy is something else.

“That all?” I tease.

“A hundred grand and the property on the east side.”

Now I laugh. He must have slipped and knocked his head. No way was he getting anything like that.

“Here’s what we’re willing to offer…” I pause for effect. Gabe starts laughing because he knows me. I pull in a breath. “Ten grand and you get to keep your life. What say ye?”

The look on his face tells me he’s ready to breathe fire.

“No.” Comes his simple answer.

As he snaps his fingers his men open fire, shooting at us as we dive out of the way. A cascade of bullets fly through the air. All meant to kill us dead if we didn’t have the snipers ready for them.

We havesnipers equipped with rifles who’d snuck on site thirty minutes before we arrived. They’re positioned in the towers above.

I did not travel light.

I have two of them firing above while we fire below.

Snade ducks for cover and starts shooting back. More of his men come on the scene and suddenly it’s like war has broken out on the grounds.

One comes at me with a knife and jabs toward me, but I dodge it and end the bastard with a bullet between his eyes. Another guy jumps me from behind and tries to take me down. I whirl around and take him down with a bullet to his neck.

I pull my other gun from my back pocket and fire at anything that moves.

Salvatore and Gabe hold their own and so do our security guys.

From the look of the place it’s evident that Snade underestimated us. He absolutely fucking did, just like most people we know. He probably thought he’d have the three of us dead on his lawn and could ship our bodies back to Pa with a ribbon. Fucker, let him try.

Five guys rush at us ready to fight with some Kung Fu moves. I can’t fight like that, but I can give as much as I fucking have, so I throw a mean fist at the first guy who comes for me and dodge the rest. In two seconds though, as the snipers take them out, all five of the guys are on the ground dead.

More men come but we get them good. The snipers were a really good idea because the men on the ground can’t tell where the bullets are coming from and they can’t shield themselves.

There are about ten guys left now and I see Snade retreating to the house.

On instinct I move and Gabe and Salvatore follow like we’re all one unit moving together.

Snade runs inside and we follow.

Salvatore gets ahead of us and fires a shot just above Snade’s head. A sword hanging on the wall above in display lands to the floor in front of him stabbing into the wooden flooring.

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