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Fucking asshole.

Fucking dog, so if it’s not him, it is them. Of course it’s them. The fucking Fontaines. They put the hit on Tommy.

“Which Fontaine was it?” I shout. This is crazy. All of it and it’s above me. I can’t go after the Fontaines no matter which one it is. I know that. I still want to know though. “Who pulled the fucking trigger?” I demand.

When I think of Tommy getting gunned down in is house and Sherine and the baby upstairs it all makes my blood boil. I want the person who fired the bullet. The guy who shot Tommy.

“I don’t have to tell you anything more. Get the fuck off my property,” Snade snarls.

“Fuck you, tell me right the fuck now who pulled the trigger!”

Snade keeps his silence and we all hold our guns on him, not moving, so he knows we’re serious.

I’m about to badger him when bullets start flying again. They come our way from behind Snade.

He pulls a gun and shoots at me but I get him. I fire two shots and he’s down.

I hit him both times in his head and I know what that means too as blood splatters all over me. It’s all over my face.

Salvatore and Gabe pull me back and we leave.

We leave and seriously, the shit just hit the fan.

* * *

We get backto the office and it’s clear we’re all feeling the same.

Of course we would.

I just killed Snade, a well-known member of the fucking Triad.

It’s only a matter of time before word gets out.

But what is worse is he was the link to the investor, so I’ve just shit all over the Fontaine’s plans, and whoever else was involved.

“We have to tell Pa,” Gabe says. He grabs a tissue from the box on the counter and dries off his hands. We all washed the blood off us.

I open my mouth to speak but Salvatore cuts in. “Don’t you fucking disagree Nick. This just became next level bad,” he points at me and he’s more than enraged.

“I know and I’m not disagreeing. I’m not. I agree. You know there was no other way that could have gone right?” It wasn’t like I had a fucking choice.

“Course not but the fucker is dead and all deals are blasted to fuck because we killed him.”

“We? It was me.” I make sure he knows I’m accepting my blame in this.

“Fuck you Nick, it’s a we. Stop shitting all over the place and calm the fuck down. Have tonight to cool off. We’ll go to Pa tomorrow and talk to him.”


I want to go on the streets and look for the guy who pulled the trigger on Tommy. That’s what I want to do right the fuck now.

“I’m going out,” I declare. “I can’t chill while the fucker who put Tommy in the hospital is still out there running free. Fuck.”

Gabe shakes his head at me. “Nick, what the hell is wrong with you? You really think you’re just gonna find the guy? The Fontaines don’t even have hitmen. You know this. They get some random guy so it can’t be traced back to them. We already know too much. We already know too much about their involvement, and fuck Nick, did you notice how Snade said the feds tried to seize the shipment?”

Salvatore nods, joining him. “Yeah, tried as in they never got it, so the Fontaines still have it. They don’t want people to know and we know and we just pissed on their deal. What do you think is going to happen?”

I growl and shake my head. “The point of all of this was to find who shot Tommy. That was the point and I’m going to find out. You guys can tell Pa what’s happening but that is what I’m doing.”
