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Chapter Twenty-One


The first thing I do,that I’m not supposed to do, is ignore everybody’s calls.

It’s a cardinal rule in our family to pick up the phone if any family member is calling.

It’s protocol and standard and we’ve been doing that since forever, more so since Frankie’s death.

It makes sense to check in so those focused on a job don’t have to split their attention to worry about you. The thing is, my family are used to me being the wild child. Or the wilder, reckless one in the bunch. They know that when I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to talk.

Doesn’t stop them from calling though.

It started with Gabe, then Salvatore. Gabe again this morning when I left Mia’s house, then Salvatore.

By mid-day I had Vincent calling me. He called three times on the hour. Then by four Pa called me.

Pa rarely calls me and I know when he does it’s fucking important. His call isn’t just to check in with me, it’s because of yesterday. Snade.

The call signals that he now knows the shit that went down and wants to talk to me.

I ignore him just like I do the others and spend the day doing fuck all.

My mind is too scrambled to think.

Too scrambled to take a step by step motion to do anything at all but what I’m doing, which is nothing.

It’s nothing because what I’m thinking about is her.


I’ve been wondering around all day. I’m in the park now, just sitting on a bench and I’m thinking about her.

I don’t ever feel bad for anything. Not one damn thing I’ve ever done. Reason being, I don’t get close. She is different and her telling me she feels for me is the worst thing I’ve heard today. It’s bad because she shouldn’t and now I know I want to stay away, but I want her.

Of course, I shouldn’t have expected anything less from an angel. Aren’t they supposed to soothe the wounded, bring light in darkness, make you feel whole.

That’s her, it’s her all over and I’m in this funk because for the first time in my life, I crave something good. I crave her, and I could kick myself for what happened to her last night.

That motherfucker, Marco Antonella went after her because it was clear she isn’t mine.

I didn’t know he was going to be there, and I felt the playboy lounge would have been the best place for Mia to go to break this connection to me.

For me to break the connection I have with her.

I don’t keep tabs on my patrons on the regular but last night definitely opened my eyes to what might go on in the club that I don’t want. The way I saw Nickoli holding Mia down with his boys suggests he’s done it before. It suggests he’s fucking done it and the one thing I truly loathe is the abuse of trust. He should know better.

I make a mental note to talk to Denise the next I see her, and some of the other girls who work the playboy lounge.

Despite the funk I’m in, it’s my job to take care of my staff. We all make The Dark Odyssey what it is. The girls who work there trust us with their safety.

That was one of the very clear things we talked about when me and the others set up the club. All five of us agreed that we’d take action at the first sign of anything like that.

That I’m thinking about it now in relation to my doll makes me want to kill. It makes me want to kill Marco. Cut his fucking dick off and make him suffer, then kill his ass with his dick in his hands.

Bottom line is, it shouldn’t have happened and I full on deserved the slap Mia gave me.

She seriously had some balls though. The doll was on fire and looked like she would beat me to a fucking pulp if she could. She even looked like she knew that on the regular, I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to fucking slap me once, let alone twice.
