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He puts out his cigar, hangs his head down for a few seconds and nods.

“Okay… yes. Yes to both. Although I already planned to be the kind of guy Mimi deserves without you asking me, if she’ll have me.”

I put out my hand to shake his and he takes it, shaking my hand firm. That’s it.

We’ve shaken on it.

We’ve agreed. Now we just have to see what happens next.

What will happen next?

What the fuck will Tobias do next?

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“Okay,so I think a week of dating tends to suggest something a little more than dating right?” Cordelia asks and I laugh.

She rolls her eyes at me when I cover my mouth because she’s trying so hard to not like this new guy she’s seeing.

“You are so funny,” I say, shaking my head at her.

“And you are no help whatsoever, you’re supposed to help me be levelheaded and logical Miss Revello.” She throws back, tossing a mini marshmallow at me.

We’re sitting outside of the coffeehouse having mountain mugs of hot chocolate and giant cupcakes.

I am so full I think I’ll burst within the next few seconds but the lure of ice cream calls to me.

“What do you honestly want me to say to you?” I ask. “Is dating for a week, every day for a week so bad? And so what if it’s serious? You want serious, or why date?” I raise my shoulders into a shrug and she sighs.

“It’s just weird, and weirder because he was… well he was helping to take care of me when I was at my worst.”

I thought it was romantic. John, Cordelia’s guy was one of her doctors when she was undergoing cancer treatment.

“That’s the best kind of guy. The ones who see you at your worst and are there for the bad and the good.” I nod.

“I know. I know and I’m trying to wrap my head around it all. It’s actually that part I’m stuck on because it means he was serious from the get go and I have to bring myself up to speed.” She nibbles on her cupcake which is half eaten. Mine was history within five seconds of being in my presence.

“What do you need to bring yourself up to speed for? Hello the man is a doctor.”

“Well I didn’t date for a very long time and I just... I don’t know... lost the will when I thought I was gonna die. It was him that told me not to give up when I had a serious meltdown.”

Again that was sweet and I was happy she’d found someone so nice. “Cordelia here’s my take on it and my advice. Stop being a big wuss, it’s serious, now suck it up.”

She laughs and drinks the rest of her hot chocolate. “Okay. I hear you sis. I will suck it up and allow the good doctor to take care of me.”

“Exactly.” I sigh and savor the content of sitting here with my sister talking about men.

“I guess you’re the boss on relationships, of the two of us you’re the one with the guy who’s loved you for a lifetime,” she states, quirking a brow.

“Oh Cordelia… my heart is…” I don’t know exactly what to say “...It’s full and I’m… happy.”

“That makes me happy. That really does. How are you otherwise? I mean with the original plan.”

Right… I keep forgetting that I haven’t told my family I got roped into this one month agreement.

The month ends next weekend. I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already.
