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“Gabe, she’s pregnant… and she was thrilled. She was going to tell you today. That was the plan when I last spoke to her yesterday. So her leaving doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense. If anything she was worried about being pregnant with the whole situation with Tobias. She wouldn’t just run off into danger like that.” Her hands start shaking and it’s just like before.

Truth hits me like an epiphany of knowledge. Realization…fear.

It doesn’t make sense because it simply doesn’t.


He got to her.

That makes sense.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I don’t wantto touch anything in this room.

Everything around me looks and feels off.

I was picked up at the coffeehouse this morning at ten by Tobias himself.

He came in a black limo.

I got in the car and as I did doom took me.

Doom for what I was doing and doom for what I’d done.

What I did to Gabe.

All that I said to him.

How I hurt him.

The thing was, all I did was tell the truth. I told him the truth of what I felt. I came back to Chicago and roped everyone into danger. That part is not a lie. Not in the least.

I can’t forget his face though. He was so mad and worried, but when I told him not to make me hate him he looked so… hurt.

That was hours ago now, hours.

I’m hours away from help.

I was taken to a manor house on the outskirts of Rochester and placed in a room that looks like it was made for a child.

It’s a nursery. That’s what I’ve decided it must be. There are dolls and soft toys and a queen-size bed in the center and everything in a particular taste like you’d do it if you knew what the person liked.

I don’t want to touch anything and I can barely stand to sit on the chair I’m sitting on because it all has this eerie feel to it.

I don’t know what’s supposed to happen now.

Tobias was all talk last night but hasn’t said a word to me the whole time. This whole time he’s said nothing. Nothing at all.

All I’ve received is smiles. Ominous smiles of glee that he throws my way.

Triumph at the fact that he caught me and has me exactly where he wants me to be.

In the shit.

I gaze ahead through the long French windows at the vast green surrounding the grounds.
