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“What the fuck do you want? More money?” It’s always more money. These fucking people always want shitloads of money and even when they get it, like this motherfucker did, they still want more.

“Nope.” His simple answer cuts my thoughts.

“What the hell do you want Tobias?”

“The game.”

I bare my teeth, seething. “Another game, more fucking games?”

He laughs. “Mr. Giordano, we are still playing the same game. We haven’t stopped so I’m not sure what gave you the impression that we were about to start a new game. We aren’t, we’re just wrapping this one up.”

I hold on to my breath and think about how the fuck I’m going to do this.

A game - so it could be anything.

Fuck. If only I hadn’t let Charlotte go. If only I’d been more forceful. It wasn’t like I didn’t know she was in danger then. It wasn’t like that at all. But I let her go. I just assumed she was going to her family. That’s what I thought.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask and I hate the emotion I hear infused in my words. They’re laced with my love for my girl and my baby, and the fear of losing them both.

My girl and my baby.

Jesus…. I can’t believe this madman has them and I’m here going crazy. What if he hurts her? What do I do then? It’s fucking history repeating itself where I’m helpless and I can’t do shit.

“I’ll send an address, make sure you come alone.”Fucking prick. He hangs up as I’m about to answer.

I look at the phone and the guys look at me with expectancy.

That fucking asshole made it sound like it was the first call I’d made but it was just the first call he’d answered.

We were hoping to get a track on him because the number was showing as being at the coffeehouse and Charlotte’s phone was switched off. The prick probably moved somewhere he wanted us to track.

“He was in a car driving by the Chicago river,” Tony says.

“Yeah, that asshole played that well,” Vincent adds.

“He wants me to finish the game, he’s sending an address and I’m to come alone.”

Vincent’s already shaking his head at that. “You’re not doing that, like fuck are you doing that Gabriel.”

“Vincent, I won’t jeopardize Charlotte by bringing you guys.”

My phone pings with a message. I look at it and see it’s from Tobias.

All it says is:

Come to the entrance of the old mines at Black Creak. Get there for 5. COME Alone. No drama, no fuss…

This is shit. That’s what this is. It’s shit.

I show the phone to Vincent and he frowns.

“The old abandoned mines,” Vincent states.

“This just got so much worse.” Nick points out as if I don’t all-fucking-ready know that.

It means our plans have gone to hell. We have an elaborate set up we manage to wrangle most times when shit hits the fan. We don’t travel light. We run like an army. Go in like an army with lines of defense and guys watching our backs. Snipers who can see ahead so that we know what we’re doing and how to strike.

How the fuck are we going to do anything at Black Creek Mine? That entrance he’s talking about is at the bottom of a cave.
