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Nothing I can do.

He stalks back to my parents and draws another gun from his back pocket and pulls Ma from Pa’s arms so hard I think he’s going to rip her arms off.

“Julian!” Ma cries reaching for Pa.

Tears sting the backs of my eyes.

What’s he going to do?

Pa fucking reaches for his gun and I know he won’t care if he gets killed because he won’t let this son of a bitch take his girl too.

I see Frankie’s hand on his pocket, reaching for his piece. He won’t allow Antonio to kill our parents and neither will I.

Men come up behind us, ten of them with machine guns but that doesn’t mean we’ll back down. We’ll all die in this room together if need be.

Antonio laughs.

“Look at you all… It won’t end here. You won’t kill me today,” Antonio sneers and then I see red laser l dotted lights hovering over both Pa and Ma.

I look to where the lights are coming from and realize that there must be snipers outside.

“Put the gun away Julian, or she gets it,” Antonio warns. “She’ll get it in her heart and her head. You won’t be able to kill me and my men will end your boys. All of you will be dead before you can release the trigger on your guns.”

Pa puts his gun back in his pocket.

Defeat fills me. This became next level bad from the minute this man entered my family’s home.

Antonio whirls around and looks at me. “Here’s what you’re all going to do.” He releases Ma and she runs back to Pa. “That there is compassion. It’s the thing you get for pissing me off today and delaying my plans. You must not come for me again, Gabriel Giordano. You must not cross me again. If you do, your parents die, your brothers die, your whole family here and inItaliadie and so does everybody they know. Your alliances will get it too. So… let your girl go. Let her go.”

Let her go?

Let her go.

I’m numb and a hollow takes residence inside me as he walks to me and moves past us in the wide archway.

He gives me a crude stare and I’m watching.

That is all I am doing.

I’m fucking watching as he leaves the house. I watch him until he disappears around the corner.

I don’t realize I’m still standing there holding my gun until a firm hand rests down on my shoulder. I turn to face Pa. He shakes his head and gives me a look of sympathy.

“I’m sorry son. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything.”

I can’t answer because I’m sorry too.

I’m sorry Charlotte…

Chapter Four


Sicily, Italy

Present day…

“Blessed arethe peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God,” Father Rossario says with fervency and smiles at me, holding my gaze.
