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As I dodge a bullet I glance over my shoulder at the edge.The water.

The thought takes me and moves me into action. The water will get me away from here and hopefully closer to where I need to be.

Better to go up from further down than go down if bullets are coming for me.

I came up earlier and I figured I needed to get to that section again but the other side.

I launch myself over the side and they still shoot at me. The bullets still continue to come even as I plunge deep beneath the surface of the water.

The dank, dark water that envelopes me.

I swim against the pull of the current and power through it toward the edge. I reach one powerful hand up and grab the rock jutting from the formation. Pulling myself up I get on the surface. It’s a dirt surface again and there’s a faint light coming from my left. It’s not daylight pouring through, so I know I’m on the right track.

I rush forward and get back on a corridor section and the motion sensor lights flick on again.

The floor below me turns to glass and I can see another level below. That must be the lower floor. The problem is there’s rooms on all the levels that I need to go through. I just hope I have time.

Fear propels me forward but movement below through the glass floor catches my eye just as I’m about to run past.

I stop midstride and almost fall over my feet when I see Charlotte down there. She’s on the floor sitting against the wall, crying.Sobbing.

I drop to my knees and bang on the roof, but she can’t hear me.

I have to get down there.

She’s right there. She’s actually here.

I found her.


The rage of the shit takes over my mind and I whip out my guns. Taking a few steps back, I start shooting the floor/ her roof.

She screams and tries to move away which is great but I don’t want her to run away and run into the arms of the enemy.

My soul rejoices when the floor shatters and I jump down the hole. I fall hard, so hard it could have knocked me out if I hadn’t tucked and rolled forward.

She stops cowering when she sees it’s me and rushes forward.

“Gabe!” she cries throwing herself into my arms.

Jesus. The feel of her in my arms is like nothing else. I’m holding her and I know we aren’t out of the woods yet. We’re still here in the mines but I have her.

“I’m so sorry,” she wails. “I’m so sorry.”

“Baby…” I hold her tight against me and I remember there’s even more to love about her. She’s carrying my baby.

I hold her out and look at her beautiful tearstained face , then I press my hand to the flat of her stomach and she starts crying harder.

Not even a badass prick like me can evade the tug of emotion that takes me as I realize what I’m holding in my hand is everything I ever wanted.

“You know,” she says.

“I know, Goddess.” I nod and tear runs down my cheek.

I pull her back in for another hug. One more, a few seconds. A few seconds I know I can’t afford. But I just want to relish her for a few seconds more.

Just a few and then we’ll get the fuck out of here.
