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It’s a big square block attached to dynamite, bounded together with wire. It has a flashing timer counting down on the center of it that says we have sixteen minutes before it blows.

Gabe sees it too. He sees it and we stop in our tracks.

“Fucking hell,” he swears, kicking at the dirt.

“What should we do?” I ask. I look around and the path seems to go up. The men are pounding on the door we just came through and shooting at it so they can get in.

Gabe looks around and focuses on one of those old style manual elevators attached to a pulley. It’s on the further side and I see now that it goes up about thirty feet into the air and there’s sunlight beaming down from the roof in an opening.

“There. That’s where we’ll go.” Gabe grabs me and we make a run for it again.

“Noooooo.” Wails a bone chilling voice I always here in my nightmares.

Tobias. I hear him and it’s not through the intercom.

He’s running across the platform three levels above us on the other side of the area.

“You can’t take her from me.” He bellows, sounding like a wild animal.

Gabe doesn’t slow to give him any form of regard. He keeps going with me until we reach the elevator.

It has a cage section around it that Gabe pulls open. It creaks as he does so. It looks like no one has used it in years. It’s so rusty.

He puts me in first, then he runs to another set of large metal doors shutting them. They have the same lever like the other one we came through. He secures it shut so Tobias can’t come in.

I glance at the bomb and see we have fourteen minutes.

Gabe rushes back to me and looks over the controls. There’s a panel on the side with a button he switches on and something clicks.

The series of gun shots though firing at the door he just closed snaps our attention back over there. Tobias must have a shot gun or something powerful to make such a blast.

Gabe looks at the ropes attached to the pully and checks them. “I hope like fuck this holds. I really do.”

He takes one step in and a shot takes out part of the rusty door. Another and Tobias will be inside. He’ll be in here and I don’t know if we’ll have enough time to escape.

He won’t allow us to escape.

Gabe stares on ahead at the door. When he looks back to me something flashes deep in his eyes. It’s a sheen of purpose the brightens when his gaze drops to my stomach then up to the opening in the roof.

As he looks back to me I know what he’s going to do even before he says it.

My lips part to say something but he steals my breath away with a kiss.

A kiss that feels like the first time he kissed me and he felt like mine.

“I love you,” he says with the deepest fervency , cupping my face. “Goddess I love you.”

“I love you too. Gabe let’s get out of here.” I shriek as another bullets sounds. I’m surprised the door is holding.

“You’re going up, baby. You go up and get far away from the mine. My brothers are parked between the hill and the boardwalk. There’s a little bridge. Go to them.”

“No!” I cry and my insides cave and crumble as I process what he’s truly telling me and what he means to do. “No Gabriel. No.”

He touches the edge of my cheek and nods. “Baby, I’m staying to finish this. If we both leave this will continue. Tobias won’t stop. It won’t end here. It won’t end here and I won’t allow you to live in fear. I couldn’t save you before but I’m doing it now.”

“No.” I shake my head and tears fall down my cheeks. “No.”

“Baby we don’t have time to argue. You go up and if there’s a way out I’ll find it. Not before I kill him though.”
