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I’d change things up and to make everything better to raise a child. I think of the house in the country and taking Charlotte and the baby there every summer, or every chance I get.

She loved it there and it would be the perfect place for a kid to be a kid. All that land and beauty, the perfect place to get lost in. The same way I did when I was a kid.

And the same way my grandfather made sure my brothers and I got to be kids and live the adventure I’d do the same for mine, boy or girl.

The same way my father passes on his wisdom to each of us I’d do that too. Pa might have some ways about him that I don’t agree with but my mother is his consigliore in the hierarchy of the business. His most trusted.

Not a lot of bosses do that because the first rule is women out of business. For me Charlotte would be my queen in every essence of the word.

She would be that for me if I get the chance of the dream I want with her.

My chances right now look slim. Very slim.

I take my eyes off her as the rusty door flies off the hinges and the bastard barges through howling and wailing.

He sounds like some kind of hell beast. Not normal at all and completely fucked up. When he sees the elevator with Charlotte push through the opening and his chances of having her are gone, triumph takes me.

It takes me and I feel the thing I need to hang on to, to end this.

I remember that wish I made on my birthday.

I wanted to see my girl one last time.

I got that and I’ll take that with me. I’ll take that with me as the thing I got back. the thing I got that I never thought I’d have. My girl and she’s carrying my baby.

I can’t ask for more and I will end this bastard now.

I saved her.

Got her away from his ass and now I’m going to kill him.

Kill him fucking dead for everything.

This was the opportunity I wanted. Vincent knew that a guy like Tobias on the street wherever that street may be , Italy, Chicago,hell, anywhere, wherever it was he was dangerous.


There was no honor about him. Not even the proverbial honor among thieves or the gangsters we were. Tobias has no sense of finality. No offer or money can stop him from getting to the thing he wants.Nothingcould appease him except for whatever he wanted which on this occasion happened to be my woman.

It was the same principle as De Lucca. He took Charlotte because he blamed Donny for his brother’s death and she would have stayed with him forever if he hadn’t been killed. I could have given Tobias the ten million I offered that motherfucker too, but it would have just made a small dent in his desire for her.

They both wanted her for different reasons.

Obsession took him, however, just as much as it fucking took me and now it’s come to this moment that had to happen no matter how it led us here.

I glare at this bastard who put her through so much.

He’s standing there wearing full black, his face contorted into a deep, heavy scowl, his hair down adding to the nightmare he is.

“Hello there,” I taunt. “I was wondering when you were going to show.” I laugh and whip out my guns training them on him in true badassery.

“You took her away from me,” Tobias wails stomping his foot on the ground. His shotgun hangs at his side.

It’s either he’s underestimated me again or he’s that mad that it’s made him stupid. I’m holding two fucking guns out to blow more than his dick off this time and he’s not thinking to at least raise his gun. Maybe he has turned stupid.

“She never belonged to you,” I inform him.

“Never belonged to you either.”
