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I would continue but the fucking bomb now tells me I have three minutes.

Three minutes to get the fuck out of here.

Three minutes and I want to take the chance fate or God or whatever power that be is handing my ass to live.

I run down the path to the corner hoping there might be another elevator shaft. I can’t remember the map. I lost track of everything when we came in here so I’m running not knowing where I’m going.

I’m doing what Tobias intended for me.

Running around for my life in the trap he set.

I hear water when I round the corner. It’s ahead. I run top speed but I can’t see anything before me. All I hear is the flow of the river.

Time is going I know. Clock’s counting down.

Then Boom!

The ground shakes and my being shakes with it.

Suddenly the area lights up with the orange glow of fire.

I glance behind me and see the mass. It whooshes forward catching up with me in a rage and everything everywhere crumbles.

The fire engulfs me just as I fall.

I’m falling, and falling.

Falling and I don’t know when I’ll hit whatever I’ll hit.

As I go down I think of Charlotte and how I love her.

My girl and my baby. I love them both.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The ground shookas I was running causing me to trip and fall.

The blast that rippled through the earth could only have come from the bomb going off. It’s like an earthquake but a hundred times worse and the ground behind me has started collapsing away.

The bomb must have gone off but I was sure there was still time.

I was sure Gabe still had some time to get out.

But the bomb has gone off and that must mean he…

Oh God…

I can’t think it… I can’t allow myself to accept what it must mean.

I came up in the meadow on the hill of the creek. I knew where I was when I looked around, knew the whole area to be dangerous for the subsidence caused by the mine itself. There were a lot of sections in the earth that had collapsed.

Now it’s practically peeling and crumbling away and raw fire is billowing up from the ground. It looks like hell has come to claim me.

The sight kicks me into overdrive, homing in on my survival instincts. Adrenaline boosts through my veins and I spring up and continue my flight against the earth that’s falling away around me.

The whole nightmare looks like the end of the world.
