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I just glare at him as he’s getting ready to throw another and make sure the fucking look on my face tells him I’m serious as fuck and if he does that again he’ll be on the floor with his teeth down his throat. This is what we’re like even as brothers.

“Right, we have five minutes,” Vincent declares. “Talk. I won’t stand for this shit. You’re the one with the vision of the idea we’re planning, you can’t be like that through the meeting or don’t waste my time.”

“I’m fine,” I tell him. “I’m okay. This is me okay? I apologize for my behavior over the last well…” It’s been years.

They’ve lived through the first few years after Charlotte was taken that saw me depressed. Then I seemed to bounce back and reassemble something of myself. But only because I turned to women. Sex. Lots of sex. Angry, meaningless fucking. It seemed to do the trick. Then it didn’t. That void of a hollow came on back and I can’t shift it no matter what I fucking do, it’s just there.

“It’s because it’s been ten years,” I add.

That’s what’s eating me up. It’s all well and good to talk big about being a Giordano and all this shit about being untouchable but when you can’t walk the walk it means nothing.

“We all tried Gabriel,” Vincent reminds me.

“I know, you all tried.”

Frankie would say the same if he was still alive. He’d remind me that he would have tried too. Frankie would be the first to point it out. That same bravado of his is exactly what got him killed. He got a hit on him from the Portaleu family after an accident that killed Stephanou Portaleu’s wife. That was another situation that saw me helpless. We were standing in the park and the bullet came from nowhere. It hit him straight in his heart, the same place his bullet struck her. Not only did I have to watch my eldest brother die but he died in my arms.

That was seven years ago. Three years after Charlotte was taken.

“It’s time,” I declare and push my shoulders back. “Time I get over it. This is a start.”

Salvatore leans in closer and I turn my focus to him. “Gabe, getting over it doesn’t mean replacing the pain with sluts and alcohol.”

“Look prick, I know that,” I hiss and he frowns. He’s trying to be a dick on me and act like he’s that much older than me with his one year. “I know, that’s not what I mean to do. Just so we’re clear. Also I think I want to go to the Caribbean and help set up things up.”

Now they both look shocked and exchange worried glances.

“Gabe… we were going to hire people to do that. Maybe go see it all once it’s done,” Vincent points out. Yes that was the plan indeed and it made sense because we’re all so busy.

Yesterday I came up with the conclusion that I need a change of scenery. Somewhere new. Someplace else, just different to Chicago. Of course they’re shocked because practically every night sees me at The Dark Odyssey. They probably get it too that the wow factor has lost its appeal for me. Watching people have sex and get up to all manner of shit doesn’t have the same ring as it did awhile back.

“I think it’s a good idea. I need the change and I think it would be good for me. Like you said I have vision. So I want to see the vision come alive the way it has here at The Dark Odyssey.”

It was my idea to make it like an erotic version of a Venetian ball, just party style so it could carry on the way it would for a regular club. We’re so successful now I can’t believe it. We saw fame weeks after we opened and it only grew from there to what we have today. I got good grades at college. I went to Yale and aced everything. But Yale was a requirement in our family. That felt like something I did where I was just going through the motions. The way we got together to create The Dark Odyssey though is something else for me, my one accomplishment.

Vincent nods. “Okay, but we need to talk about it some more. We can have it in the plan though if that’s what you want.”

“It is…” I look to Salvatore who I notice hasn’t said anything. I just give him a smile and look back to Vincent. “This is going to be big. I know it. People are going to go crazy over the hotels alone. The sex club will just be the icing on the cake.” I have so many ideas up my sleeve.

I want to plan events too. Adult events for singles separated by age group and interests. That was going in the plan after we set up.

What I like most was that at least my brain was working. Ticking with ideas. Profitable ones.

“Well you sound like you’ve made up your mind,” Salvatore finally comments.

“It feels right. Everybody’s doing their own thing. This can be mine.”

He nods. He was going to be setting up the agency here that would take the bookings for the resorts. Roberto was going to assist him with that. Salvatore is the most tech minded among us so the most suited for anything like that. His business mind also lends assistance to his other skills.

All of us put together equals a fortune.

It’s good.

More than what most people have. We have the benefit of doing stuff legit, even though it won’t stop us from being gangsters in every sense of the word

There’s a knock at the door.

It’s Roberto.
