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He shakes his head. “Baby, I’m coming with you. That’s the answer. I will go with you. I’m an accountant. I got my career. You need to get yours so I’ll make sure that happens.”

“You’d leave here? The Dark Odyssey?” I know how much he loves the place; the club earns a nightly fortune.

“I will leave here,” he says with deep conviction.


“I love you.” He says the words I’ve wanted to hear for so long and a tear falls down my cheek.

Of course I think ofAbuelita’smessage. It said I’d get the man of my dreams and look at me. My heart is filled with love and awe. “I love you too.”

He smiles wider. “Well… that works great then right? We’ll do this and no one will stop us. I want to give you everything.”

“I want to give you everything too.”

He places a hand to my heart and nods. “You already have. You’re mine now Charlotte.” He says and it sounds like a promise. “Mine.”

“I am.”

We fall into a kiss that seals his words.

I am his and I will always be his.

* * *

I get home after lunch,slipping in through the side entrance so I don’t alert anyone to my presence.

I don’t want to talk to anyone yet. No one to burst my bubble of bliss I shared with my man who most assuredly made me his again before I left his arms.

I keep a diary and I just want to log today’s entry before I get back to reality.

When I rush up the stairs, I see my door’s ajar and fury instantly takes me.

Only one person goes into my room when I’m not here. My sister, Cordelia.

She had a thing for Gabe and has always had it against me for being with him. It’s not like I stole him from her. It’s because he told her outright that he didn’t want to be with her and she was to stop trying to get with him, that’s why she’s always a bitch to me.

Sure enough it’s her in my room.And, the air leaves my lungs when I see she’s sitting on my bed, feet up, reading my diary.

She hasn’t even flinched on seeing me.

“Did you fuck him?” she asks crude and crass.

She raises a brow and her face contorts with jealousy.

My entry in the diary last night was about me spending my last hour as a virgin.

“Why are you reading my diary?” I counter and fold my arms under my breasts.

“Nothing better to do I guess. So, did you fuck him?” She straightens up so she can glower at me properly. “We’re sisters right? We’re supposed to talk about this shit, even when you steal a guy I’m into. I gotta say your diary is very colorful, blow jobs and shit,wow.”

“You shouldn’t have read it. Give it to me now.” I rush to her and she jumps off the bed backing away toward the window. She laughs because she knows I can’t catch her.

Cordelia is taller than me. That’s the only thing she has over me. I’m not going to be a bitch like her and admit that she isn’t as pretty as me. People used to tease her for her height and her gap tooth. Her response was always that Madonna never changed her appearance so why should she. If Cordelia looked like Madonna I’d be inclined to agree with her. She doesn’t though.

“Give it to me now!” I yell as she holds the diary over my head.

“I’m giving this to Pa. He should know what his fucking little princess has been up to. Bitch, you –"
