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I’m hardly ever here though.

I sit and watch night fall. When I hear keys turning in my door I know who it is even before he steps inside.

We all have keys for each other’s houses but only Salvatore comes in and out like the house belongs to him.

Tonight I don’t mind it.

He takes a seat on the sofa in front of me and looks me over.

“Did some digging around when I got some spare time,” he declares. “Found out some very interesting occurrences happening in Sicily. Antonio De Lucca was mysteriously found dead in his home over a week ago. Head decapitated, two bullets to his chest. Wife fled for her life back to the safety of her family. Killer still at large. All the servants and grounds people missing. It was her wasn’t it? Charlotte?” He asks.

“Yeah… It was her.” I answer but I’m stuck on his words. “That all happened and nobody knows here?” I’m shocked to shit because Antonio De Lucca is king here too and news like that would travel fast.

“Nobody knows shit here. I got one of the boys to do some testing and as far as anybody knows Antonio is still alive. I have a source in Italy that says otherwise.”

“She told me he was killed.”

“Well it’s true then. Gabe… there’s something more at work here. Not sure what but it smells of danger. It smells of shit brewing, come the fuck on, she just leaves and there’s no one around in the house to question?” He quirks a brow.

“It was planned.” It just comes to me. It’s the only way anyone could possibly get close enough to Antonio De Lucca let alone fucking decapitate him. “Had to be planned Salvatore. And by people who knew him.”

“The staff. So… what happened between the two of you? Did you speak to her?”

I sigh and straighten up. “ Yeah… short version of the story is… she doesn’t want to be with me anymore. Times have changed and she feels different.” I borrow her words.

“And you believe that?”

“What else am I supposed to do?” I throw back.

“Gabe, cut the shit, remember who you fucking are. Giordano men don’t take shit like that no matter who’s dishing it. You don’t know what she’s been through.The fuck… if she felt that different she wouldn’t have come to The Dark Odyssey looking for you.” He stands and shakes his head at me.

“Salvatore –”

“No, don’t ask me anymore shit. My minds too wrapped up in business. I’m going through contracts and I need to make sure we don’t get screwed. Deal with this. Do it fast too, I need you on top form.”

I nod.

“What about the situation with Antonio?”

“What about it? We don’t need our noses in shit that doesn’t concern us. They all wanted him dead. Everybody did, the fucking motherfucker had too much power. They must have their reasons for the silence. The important thing is she got away.”

She got away… it just makes me wonder how.

How did she get away? I wish again I could have freed her, rescued her.

The doorbell rings and we both look over to it.

I don’t know who the hell that could be. I have no idea who the fuck it is.

Salvatore moves to the door and I follow.

He opens the door and I have to say, today is one serious day that’s full of surprises. Because Charlotte is standing on my doorstep.

She looks from me to Salvatore and her eyes stay on him.

He doesn’t say anything, he just tips his head for a curt nod, glances back to me and leaves us.

When I look at her she’s already got her gaze trained on me.
