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She shakes her head again. “No Gabe. This has to be it because when it came to it all we all got the eyeopener that there are some things beyond our control. No one could save me. I was only eighteen when I was taken away from my family and I had to watch a monster murder my brothers and my Abuelita right in front of me. Then I had to marry him and endure ten years of horror. No one could save me… not even you. So please… please, let me go.”

I hang my head down and consider it all. I do… I consider it and I know the answer before it hits me. It’s the answer I don’t want.

It’s however something I have to do.

I lift my head and stare at her. All I can do is nod and one more thing.

I walk up to her and lower to her lips.

She moves to me too.

One last kiss that feels like the first. It’s brief like the first too and has the same effect of sealing her presence to me.

It’s all I can take.

I can’t even look at her as I leave.

Chapter Fifteen


The first thingthat caught my eye when I walked through the doors of Raventhorne Academy this morning was the beautiful architecture.

It looks amazing in every way. Victorian and Gothic, the main building has the striking resemblance of one of the castles in Europe.

I at least had the privilege of visiting a few when Antonio had business. Those instances were some of the rare occasions where I could get lost in my surroundings.

Raventhorne has that feel to it. I see it even more on the tour Principal Carson is giving me.

He was thoroughly impressed with my application. It was the first thing he said when he met me. I give my thanks to Cordelia again for this opportunity.

I thank her in more ways than one because this opportunity is the only thing keeping me going.

It’s been a whole week since I last saw Gabe.

I know I broke his heart.

I know I did but I had to.

I will never forgive myself for hurting him. I think though that what would be worse is not being able to forgive myself if I didn’t make certain changes to my life. That’s what I believe.

No one can tell me that it’s not better to get myself out of a situation before something happens.

No one can tell me that because only a very foolish person would be love’s fool. Years ago when Gabe and I were together I never knew just how dark our world could be. I never imagined it could be so bad and so dangerous.

Of course I’d heard things but nothing I’d heard was as bad as what happened to me and my family. I guess though that was down to Pa and who he chose to do business with.

I don’t think I could be blamed for my choice and if Gabe knew the full story I’m sure he’d understand more. I knew I hurt him though when I pointed out that he couldn’t save me.

“So what do you think of the place?” Principal Carson asks. He spreads his arms wide showing off the beautiful, beautiful grounds around us.

“I’m in love with it.” I smile.

“Good, that’s what I was hoping to hear. So it’s a definite yes from me in terms of acceptance and offer for this job, what about you? Here we value our teachers and this is the sort of school we hope you’ll stay at for a while.”

I have to try pretty darn hard to tamp down my excitement and not show how desperate I am to have something good happen to me.
