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“You will pay for that,” he growls, baring his teeth.

I expect him to shoot me, instead he backhands me and pain lances through my body making me dizzy with it.

Abuelita screams out and Antonio answers by aiming the gun at her.

My world stills as the next second passes. It still to slow, slow motion as Antonio fires the bullet and it goes to her head .

I watch it take her life.

Everything I hold dear shatters in front of me and I can do nothing but watch, paralyzed as a bellowing sound pours from me. It’s not crying. I’m not wailing, it’s the sound of my soul tearing apart.

Abuelita… just yesterday we spoke and I read the message she had for me for this birthday.

I will be with the man of my dreams, but be careful, darkness is just around the corner.

My Abuelita now lies before me in a pool of blood. So much life and love gone just like that.

All gone, all gone and lost.

Ma is screaming so much she can barely contain herself.

Antonio stalks back to her and grabs her neck, gun held at her head.

It’s more than fright and terror that takes me, it’s a freezing of my soul. My soul is frozen in the agony of despair and I will do anything to save her.

“Take me!” I wail, blinded by tears. “Take me!”

I can’t allow him to kill my mother.

I can’t.

With that maddening smile he drops her to the floor and comes back to me.

He grabs me by my neck from the men holding me and looks back to Pa.

“This debt has only begun its repayment,” he announces. “I will contact you to discuss this further, the girl will come with me as compensation and assist you in whatever way she can to repay the debt. Cross me and all of you are dead. Involve anyone and they’re dead too. Them and their families, everybody. Dead.Fucking dead!”

Pa is shaking. Shaking and crying.

Doom fills me as Antonio walks away and the men follow with me. I look back and see Cordelia staring after me.

We’d always been at each other’s throats but in that moment I watch as the men release her and she reaches out to me with panic.

I’m too grief stricken to do anything more than let the tears fall.

Fear and terror cascade through me.

We go through the door and Cordelia’s face is the last I see, and my mother’s and father’s cries are the last I hear.

Darkness really was around the corner.

Chapter Two


Present day…

Something bright pierces my eyes.
