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Another two hours pass by and then the click of the front door opening makes us jump.

We both fly out of the living room to see Salvatore and Vincent holding up a battered Gabe between them. Gabe still looks like he’s ready for a fight. Nick has a black eye and blood on his shirt.

“Like fuck!” Gabe howls. “Let me get back out there and find that bastard. Fucking let go of me. That fucker needs to die. He fucking needs to die!”

Gabe tries to make a move but Vincent swipes his legs from under him and Gabe goes down hard knocking his head on the wooden floor.

“You two, go upstairs,” Vincent orders me and Mimi.

Mimi takes my hand and leads me away.

When I look back at Gabe he catches my eyes and the pain in them grips me in a way I couldn’t begin to describe to anyone.

Chapter Nineteen


When morning comesthe only thing I’m aware of is that I’m alive.

It’s my first thought that pierces through the madness that took me last night.

It was like blind rage took me and I was hell bent on killing.

I went into enemy territory, got the crap beat out of me but fuck did I ever dish back what I got. I started with the low level shits who did work for the Antonellas.

I questioned them and surprise,surprisegot no answers.

Then I moved up the ranks and came face to face with Bobby Manello.

The Manellos and Antonellas have always been in cahoots from the dawn of time. Assassin families no one fucks with but I was ready to kill every motherfucker I came across. All that and no sign of that prick Tobias.

Bobby had his gun pointed at my head when Vincent and the boys burst in and saved my ass. By then I’d already had a good beating and was so battered blood poured from my eyes.

The rest of the shit done to me was from my brothers trying to calm me down.

Trying to stop me.

I remember them all, especially Vincent, and they went on me at full strength to take me out and stop me from running around Chicago trying to find Tobias.

The last blow that actually knocked me out came from Pa. He came too in true Godfather style and handed me my ass.

That was the last thing I remembered.

Now I’m here. I run my hands over what feels like the wooden floorboards of my living room, and something soft and feathery brushes over my arm.

That’s what makes me open my eyes against the bright sunlight and I see her.


Charlotte is curled up against me and she shuffles when I move.

I move and the fucking bruises ache like a bitch. I’m pretty sure too that I must have a broken rib but I don’t care. Something has to be done today, it just has to, whatever it is.

I left her before she could tell me everything. What she told me was enough.

She sits up now and cups my face. In the bright sunlight her autumn eyes sparkle.

I failed her.
