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It’s for my birthday over two weeks ago. My twenty-eighth birthday.

I’m more nervous to open it and almost hesitant, but my eagerness to have the message gets the better of me.

It says:

Love will guideyou to the light or it may keep you in the dark forever.

Make sure you make the right decision.

A shiver runsdown my spine.

Maybe it would have been better not to have read it.


What a thing to have in my mind now, when I’m trying to find my feet.

Love can guide me to the light or keep me in the dark forever.

I don’t want the latter. I don’t want it.

Being with Antonio was darkness. The kind that would kill a person. Suck the life out of you and if it didn’t kill you it would follow you.

That darkness has followed me in the form of Tobias.

So I pray I choose right and what I’m doing is right because I want to find my way out of the dark and leave it behind me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Is there anything else you need?”Bree asks. She looks me over with seduction in her eyes. The same seduction she’s given me since the day she started working here at Giordanos Inc.

And like I always do, I see past the shit. “I’m good.” I smile.

I can see how deflated she looks at my answer and now she looks like she’s searching her mind for something to say.

Just now she came in with a fax I would have grabbed myself on the way out later. She probably thought I was going to talk about the fax and she’d take it from there. I purposely didn’t say anything because I knew what she was up to.

Bree had been making up every excuse under the sun to come and see me since the other day. Any old shit she could pull from a hat she’d use.

She’d come up to my office and try to indulge me in small talk when she should be minding her work on reception.

Pa hired her because she’s pretty and he’s right. Christian is always looking at her, but since she likes the rough stuff she’s got her sights on me,andSalvatore.

Me more though because she’s heard what I’m like outside work. What Iusedto be like until a few weeks ago when Charlotte returned.

Bree wanted me just as much as the others do but I had the good sense to instill my one single rule that I’ve lived by since I started working for Pa.

I don’t fuck women who work for me.

The ones who work in the club are different. They’re there for that. The ones at the office at the shipping company, hell no.

And in regard to all of them that don’t go by the name of my goddess it’s a fuck no.

“You know we never did have that cup of coffee,” she cajoles.

I don’t remember promising her anything of the like. I wouldn’t be a prick and tell her that though.
