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“Yeah, I thought that. I did. What gets me is that there’s nothing about him after. Was he that distraught that he couldn’t do anything else? It’s been more than a decade and men like that are always doing something.”

She dips her head agreeing. “Yes, I think so. Just to get to State’s Attorney is a big deal. You don’t just stop for good. Let’s say he did grieve for years, I feel like it would be circumstantial or too farfetched for me to think he didn’t come back in some way.”

“So, what do you think I should do? Gina, it sounds like there was some danger. She says so. She told him to keep the files safe. What gets me is that she told him she had to take care of me and then she kills herself? Does that make sense?”

It doesn’t and previous experience taught me that when something doesn’t make sense it’s because it simply doesn’t.

She shakes her head. “What about your father? Do you think that maybe you should speak to him?”

“God, no. Not at all.” She knows about that too, we had a lot to catch up on. “I can’t bring this to him. I mean if I find something worth mentioning that would make him feel better for her death, sure I’ll tell him. I’ll show him everything but he’s already cut up about me and Salvatore, I don’t really want to pour more salt on his wounds if we can look at it like that.”

“I get it... um…” Her hands still and she glances down at the table with an uneasy expression.


She releases a ragged sigh. “There’s a guy in the underground. One of Mario’s thuggish acquaintances. He’s the kind of guy who’s into all the talk and everybody’s business. Shit no one should know. He was always mouthing off about his work with government officials. He was a driver for years but got busted for using company cars to smuggle cocaine. I was just thinking he might know something. I mean something in the way of what might have happened to William after.”

A person like that would probably be helpful. Especially if he was into business no one should know about.

An underground guy though? I know to be wary of guys like that. You can’t trust them.

Should I be going to a guy like that in times like these when it looks like no one can be trusted? There have been guards with me since Salvatore told me what was going on. How am I supposed to go search out an underground guy with Giordano guards at my side?

He wouldn’t talk to me just from the sight of them.

My desire to know what happened to Mom though gets the better of me.

I want to know the full details.

Why she killed herself.

Just why for everything and I think I deserve to know.

“Gina, I think I want to speak to this guy if I can.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I expectedthis fucker to come see me.

Just didn’t know he had the balls it would take to do it.

It’s barely ten and Joey Cipriani was waiting for me before I got in this morning.

I feel like starting off the conversation by telling him Mimi’s safe and sound in my bed but I hold off.

To be honest I expected him from yesterday but maybe he needed time to prep his fatherly speech. I know the look of disapproval when I see it. The thing about it is while I don’t give a shit, I might not want my daughter dating me either.

“Mr. Cipriani. Seeing you twice in a week. I thought I had more chances of seeing leprechauns.” I chuckle and he gives me a tight-lipped smile.

I motion for him to sit and he does. I however sit on the edge of my desk making my presence higher than him, just like I am in life.

Animals do it. Assert their dominance over another by raising themselves higher. That’s what I’m doing now and this fucker knows it.

What’s unusual about this scenario is Joey rarely comes to Giordano’s Inc. because of the nature of his job. He would usually go to my parents’ house in the past.

Mimi didn’t live that far from us so we’d always see her in the park and that was how we all came to be.
