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Idon’t know how I survived the night or how my world is still intact when it feels like everything is falling apart around me in pieces.

I’m exhausted from another sleepless night and one that saw me crying my eyes out for everything.

The last time I cried like this was when Dante was killed.

My heart hasn’t felt so broken since.

I no longer have to worry about what I’m going to do because the choice has been taken away from me.

Today is Sunday, and later I’m supposed to go to the guys. Theoretically, I could because I should see them and explain things, but I’m being a coward.

I’m scared of what will happen and how angry they’ll be.

I’m scared of acknowledging the disappointment I am to them, and I’m scared to hear it’s over.

The door to my room opens, and Dad comes in. If he knocked, I didn’t hear him.

He said he’d come up when Cordelia got here to take me back to her house, so I guess she must be here now.

When he sees me wiping my tears away, concern washes over his face.

“Evie, what happened?”

I grab more tissue and clean my face.

“Nothing. Is Cordelia here?”

“Yes. What’s going on, Evie?”

“Not now, Dad.” More tears stream down my cheeks, and I don’t even bother to try and stop them from falling.

“If not now, then when? What’s happened to you? Besides last night.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. The time for talking is over. You don’t care how I feel, and it’s ridiculous that you would even ask me what’s wrong with me when there’s so much. Just pick something and fucking settle with it.”

He stares back at me wide-eyed because I’ve never spoken to him that way before.


“No, just leave me alone.”

I grab my bag and leave him standing there.

I can’t treat him like what’s happened to me is entirely his fault, not when it’s all mine.

I rush into Cordelia’s car and break down again. She pulls me in for a hug, and we stay like that for a few moments.

“Let’s go, Evie. Talk to me.”

She starts up the car and drives away from the house.

“I feel so bad, Cordelia.”

“I know. I saw their faces. And yours. I wish I could have helped you, but I couldn’t do anything. If anything, I feel like shit for getting you into this mess.”

I shake my head at her. “No, no way is this your fault. You were trying to help me. That’s all you did. the rest is on me.”

“Evie, none of us knew this was going to happen, but as someone who’s older than you, I should have known better. To make matters worse, I got a notification this morning from the bank account I set up for you telling me Georgiou paid the money in.”
