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Georgiou finds me downstairs, sitting by the window in the living room close to midnight. I’m watching the place like I’m waiting for someone to come down the drive and shoot up the place.

“What the hell happened?” he asks, pulling up the wooden chair to sit opposite me.

“Someone was following us. They were probably watching from when we stepped off the boat.”

“Fuck. Are you absolutely sure?”

“Yeah, I am sure.” Now isn’t the time to second guess myself. Even if there’s a chance I’m wrong—and I don’t think so—we have to be careful. That person saw all three of us together.

Or rather, it might be better to say, us with Evie.

“Did you get a look at them?”

“No, it was just a guy in the shadows with a hooded sweatshirt on. The built wasn’t like Peter’s. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t one of Peter’s lackeys.”

“Or Donny’s,” Georgiou surmises.

Yes, or Donny’s—which is so much worse.

Jesus. “What the fuck do we do, Georgiou? I’m like a fucking sitting duck, and if you don’t mind me saying, my friend, so are you.”

He rises and places a hand on his head.

“I can’t call Donny and talk to him, Henry. It’s bad enough that I’m with her, and she’s supposed to get engaged to that asshole next month. But this isn’t just about me.”

“Don’t tell him about me,” I offer.

“I don’t feel right doing that.”

“Georgiou, you just said it yourself; this isn’t just about you. You do what you have to do so she can stay in our lives.” I release a sigh.

“I know, but I don’t feel right doing that.”

“I’ll leave it to you. We have bigger fish to fry. If I’m right, then this person saw us together. That’s the fucking bottom line we have to deal with.”

“Let’s see what happens over the next few days. I mean, we’ll know more if anyone contacts us. We’ll know better then. In any event, we have to lay low. Maybe she should stay with Cordelia for a while.”

“She was excited about going to the club next week,” I point out.

“We can’t go.”

“You want to tell her that?” I raise my brows.

Evie has been dying to go to Georgiou’s club with us. It was all the talk last week because we changed her. Before we dirtied her up, there’s no way a sweet girl like her would venture into a sex club, let alone talk about it. But she wants to go because of the thrill of going withus.

“I will. We can’t risk going somewhere so public. She can go back to Cordelia’s tomorrow. Maybe we can see her there.”

“We’re going to have to tell her something.”

“I know. She should know. If she doesn’t, she’ll wonder what’s going on, and I don’t want to keep her in the dark.”

“Me neither.”

There’s something more we have to talk about that he won’t like.

He’s not a failure, and he never accepts the point at which you have to retreat, but it’s looking like it might be something we might have to factor in.

Georgiou is the kind of guy who would rather die trying, and this is the exact situation where he would do just that. It’s because he’s in love with her. I am too, but one of us has to think about the situation in its entirety and consider the possibility of failure.
