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It’s going to be worse for him, though.

His family’s company is going to take a bigger hit than mine. My contracts with Donny were all new, and I more than paid for the loss. Georgiou, though, can’t.

He can’t just fix the problem with a few dollars, and as far as I’m aware most of the clients that use Giordanos Inc know Donny and would never want to piss him off.

Donny said he would destroy us. I believe him.

The doorbell suddenly rings, and it sounds like a gong going off in my head.

Fuck. Who the fuck is that now?

I’m not expecting anybody, and it’s just gone nine. Who the fuck could that be?

Feeling like I had way too much wine, I get off the bed and steady myself.

I make my way downstairs to open the door, and I’m shocked as shit when I see my father standing on the doorstep looking at me.

“You have a minute?” he asks.

I’m still trying to process if he’s really here, and the wine’s not doing a number on me.

The last time he stood on this doorstep, we were arguing, and he told me he never wanted to see me again.

I squint, and when I see he hasn’t disappeared from my vision, I accept he’s really here.

“Yes, of course.”

He comes in and looks around the hallway.

He stops by the door, suggesting he’s not going further. Or, maybe it’s me assuming that because I stopped too.

“I’m not accepting the money,” Dad begins. “That’s your hard-earned cash, and you shouldn’t have to pay me for anything. Most of all, you shouldn’t think you have to pay for mistakes to ensure I don’t have any hard feelings toward you. But the reason you did that is my fault, and our relationship is strained because of me. Last few months, I realized that I only started warming to you because of all the money and prestige you were bringing in. It made me ashamed of myself because you’re my son, and I’m your father. I could have done more to fix things between us. Money shouldn’t do that for us, forme.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing, and I’m not sure what to say.

“I just wanted to fix things between us.”

“Well, you did, and I’m taking that step I should have taken years ago and meet you halfway. Donny can go and fuck himself. Sure, getting the business was good, but I can’t work with someone who thinks he can piss on us because he believes he’s a god. Clearly, he thinks he can dole out punishment designed to destroy if we displease him in any way. That’s not how business works. We’ll find our own way back, son.”

I blink several times, actually feeling proud of my father.

“You really mean that?”

“Yeah. I do. So I expect to see you back at work tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, Dad.”

“Don’t thank me. This is the right thing to do, and I’m sorry I allowed you to leave the office feeling the way you did. I thought maybe you needed to cool off, and as for that whole thing with Carson, it’s not true. I’ve never wished he was my son. I guess I’m more guilty of overdoing everything with my stepson so he wouldn’t feel left out. But in the process of doing so, I left you out. I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s alright, Dad. This is good. Talking to you like this is good.”

“Yeah, for me too. So let’s agree to start afresh from here onwards.”

“I’d like that.” I smile and put out my hand to shake his, but he pulls me in for a hug.

“Chin up, son.” He nods. That’s what Mom used to say.

“Chin up.”
