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I jump in the back seat of the car, and we take off down the driveway.

As we go, I look back to the house, and despair fills my soul.

What if this is it?

I was barely able to see the guys and talk to them.

The car speeds onto the road, and as the house gets further away from me, I have that unsafe feeling again from the loss of being without the guys.

I try to keep my tears at bay and tell myself things will work out.

Just as I do, the piercing sound of a motorcycle fills my ears.

Tony glances behind us and frowns.

I do, too, when I see not one but two motorcyclists coming our way—fast.

Suddenly one of them pulls out a gun and fires a shot at the car, and I scream.

Tony guns the engine and drives faster, but they catch up to us.

Oh my God, what the hell is this?

“Get your head down, Evie!” Tony cries, but I double over, covering my head.

More bullets come, loud and deathly. Tony’s about to say something else to me, but his words are stolen away when a bullet lodges in his head and blood sprays everywhere.

I scream and scream and scream.

The car smashes into the side of the road so hard the impact ripples through my entire being. I’m flung against the door, and I hit my head hard.

Blood runs down my face, and my body feels broken.

I will myself to move because I know this is an attack to get to me. Whoever I see next will either kill me or keep me.

When I see Peter’s face looming before the crushed door window with a bright smile on his face, I get my answer.

“Hello, Bellezza. Miss me?”



Ihate when I have to think on my feet and my brain is fucking scrambled.

There are too many conflicting things happening at once and my worry over Evie is overpowering me.

I hate that I can’t even call her to check she got back okay, and she can’t call me either.

Christian came here just after she left so he’s been here for the last half an hour.

I have him looking into Ricco. He wasn’t able to find anything more on Peter.

He’s got his system set up to track both their phones now.

We’re looking for something a little more concreate to go to Donny with. Something solid so he won’t kill my ass when he sees me.

“Fuck, I found something,” Christian announces.
