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He’s leaning against the wall by the window. The smug smile filling his face as he looks me over churns my stomach, and even though I’m wearing a robe, I feel naked and exposed.

“What are you doing here?” I demand, trying to tamp down the quiver in my voice.

“Oh, Evie, I thought your father told you I was going to come and see you. His exact words to me were; I could see you whenever I wanted to, so here I am.”

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come here uninvited and unannounced.” I’m trying to stand my ground, but I’m not stupid enough to think he won’t hurt me.

I’m also not foolish enough to know I should be afraid of him. That silence he exudes is more deadly than someone who tells you they’re dangerous. With him, you don’t know what to expect.

That’s worse.

So as he steps away from the wall and his smile brightens, I’m not surprised when my blood runs cold and the air in my lungs freeze.

I’m not surprised that my nerves feel shot and rattled like someone’s shaking me, and he hasn’t even done anything to me yet.

I don’t move when he steps into my personal space, mainly because my feet are rooted to the ground. The other reason is that if I get the chance to move, I feel like I should use that chance to run.

I’m just scared that if I do, he’ll catch me, and I don’t know what he’ll do to me.

“You think I need an invitation from you?” His brows raise.

“I want to know when—”

I don’t get to finish. One hand swipes out and grabs my neck so quick, and hard I think he’s going to snap it.

His fingers dig into my skin as he squeezes. I open my mouth to scream, but I can’t. He’s squeezing too hard.

“Listen to me, Princess, Bellezza, or whatever the fuck they call you. You aren’t in Kansas anymore, or daddy’s fucking kingdom where everyone tiptoe’s around to please you. You don’t fucking talk to me like I’m shit. I own you now.”

“Let. Go…” I choke out, gasping for air.

He doesn’t listen. Instead, he smiles wider and pulls away the belt from my robe.

“Stop it.”

“Like fuck. I think I know just how to teach you a lesson you won’t forget. I’m going to fuck you into submission. Why wait until the wedding night?”

Oh my God, he’s going to rape me.

“Stop it, you fucking asshole.” I try to swat his hands away, but it’s to no avail. All he does is move with me over to the bed. In a rage, he throws me down and tears off my robe, leaving me naked. Before I can take my next breath, he’s on top of me.

I scream once, hoping that one of the guards will come to my rescue, but then I remember there might not be any here. This is Cordelia’s house, after all, and Dad himself said this animal could come and see me whenever he wanted.

I scream again, and tears pour out of my eyes.

“Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch; I will truly punish you tonight.”

I open my mouth to scream again, and he slaps me hard twice. The second blow is so hard I see stars and feel like vomiting.

I don’t get a chance to recover before he slaps me a third time and covers my mouth with his large hand when I start crying.

As I cry into his hand, he smiles and lowers to suck my breast.

I feel like dying when his fingers flutter over my pussy, and when the sound of a gunshot suddenly echoes in the room, I wonder if I imagined it.

It’s only when Peter jumps off me that I realize I haven’t.

We both stare at an enraged Cordelia, pointing the gun at Peter, who now backs away from me.
