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He did, and I figured once he agreed, his brothers Nick and Gabriel would too. I’m asking my brother Christian because we never do anything together.

I’m eight years older than him, and the age difference has been a strain, but then I get on like a house on fire with Nick, who is only a little more than a year older than Christian. That always told me the problem I have with my brother isn’t our age. It’s because of our father.

Christian thinks I’m a brownnosing asshole who likes to take orders from our father, but I’m not. I just know what is required of me as our father’s eldest son.

“You in, Salvatore?” I check.

“When have I ever said no to you?” he snaps.

“I can’t remember, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.”

“I’m worried about the money. Do we have enough?”

I look before me and imagine what I saw months ago when the idea hit me.

The idea is this: A place for wild dark fantasies. Because I know people access those fantasies through sex, I want us to build our own empire. A sex club, unlike any other anybody, has ever seen.

“I think we do for the Dark Odyssey.”

He smiles at that. The name was his idea.

“How much does the guy want?”

“Half a mil for the whole plot. I have a million.”

“And I have a quarter. The whole building needs a redo. Maybe we could reopen the strip club, though, since it’s functional.”

“I was thinking the same thing. We can fix that area up first and give it a test run.”

Because of the underground setup of the club, the rest of the building doesn’t bring it down per se. I think, if anything, people would be more enticed to check out a sex club underground because it sounds forbidden.

“I like that, and it could help recoup some of the money.”

“Exactly, and provide some much-needed downtime.” I chuckle, and he nods.

“I like the way you think, cousin.” His smile widens, and then he gives me a curious look. “One question. Not that I’m not liking this idea of a sex club. I just want to know why. We have Giordanos Inc. We all work there, and that place is ours. No one can rival us on this side of the country. Why would you want to set this up, and why with us? You do everything with Henry.”

“I want us to do something for ourselves and make our own legacy as a family. Henry has his own family thing.”

“That’s cool. I like that too.”

A car pulls up at the corner, and a fat, balding man gets out. That’s the man we want to see. He’s the current owner of this mess. His name is Shane Rosen.

He looks about cautiously before crossing the road, and he wears the same cautious expression on his face when he approaches us.

Like most people, he knows who we are, and he knows not to try any shit with us.

I’m not expecting him, but one can never be too careful.

“Mr. Giordano,” Shane says, putting a hand out to me to shake.

“Hello. This is my cousin Salvatore.”

“Yes, I know of you both.” Shane shakes Salvatore’s hand more nervously than he did with mine, and I wonder if he’s ever had the misfortune of seeing Salvatore’s bad side.

We’re all mobsters at the end of the day. Each of us has a bad side. It just depends on whether or not we allow you to see it before we strike.

I like to be subtle, and I might go as far as saying I love when people think I’m the good, professional one who doesn’t get involved in violence.
