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This is the first part—the viewing. She talked about it like it was the most exciting thing in the world, and I fully expected her to say may the odds be with you at the end of her speech.

As we walk, I feel those eyes all over my body, and it just adds to the bizarreness of this whole week and the bad spell of shit I’ve been experiencing since my birthday.

This week is one I’ll never forget as long as I live just for the virginity check.

After I registered for the auction, I had to go into their office so they could check me to see if I really was a virgin. I used to read about things like that in school, and I never really thought much about it. Most of what I read was to do with people in the dark ages, or royalty, way back in the day.

I got the first-hand experience to see what that sort of test entailed, and it was awful. It was carried out by a fucking pervert of a man who obviously got the job because of his love for the female anatomy.

I’m here, and I feel like shit, but at the same time, part of me feels like I’m doing something active to achieve my goals.

Getting the money together is the biggest part of making that possible. Without it, I’m screwed.

With the starting bid at a hundred grand, I know I don’t have to worry too much. I just hope I get the total amount I need. It will be worse if I don’t get enough and still need more money after selling my soul.

Dad called this morning. Again. He’s been calling every day this week.

He took his time contacting me after he spoke to Cordelia. We had an argument on that first call. He was trying to sell me some bullshit that Peter was rough around the edge and didn’t mean to hurt me. Of course, that’s what Peter told him, and he believed him. I was only too sorry that I didn’t take pictures of my fucking face.

By the time I spoke to Dad, the bruises were already fading. I didn’t think it would have changed his mind anyway, so I didn’t push.

Every conversation, however, pushed me toward leaving.

So as nervous as I feel, this can’t be the wrong path. It’s just something I have to do. It’s the cost of survival.

I’m just worried about who will buy me. What kind of man will own me for a month?

Will he be older, as in really old, or younger like me. I doubt the latter, but Cordelia made me aware it could be a possibility.

What is definite, no matter if an older or younger man owns me, they will have a dark taste for the decadent and risqué.

Cordelia said I’ll be little more than a pet to play with.

Since I signed up to do everything, I expect my buyer to be of the adventurous variety who will most likely be well versed in BDSM. There was a list of what we consented to, and I said everything. That means it will be made known when I walk out on stage.

We take the stairs to the backstage area, so I shouldn’t still feel those eyes on me, but I do.

I still feel them undressing the barely-there robe I’m wearing. It’s all I’m wearing because if I want a higher bid, I can get naked if I want to.

Even though I’m last in the procession, I’m number ten.

I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.

It could mean all the prospective men I could have hoped to purchase me will be gone.

At the same time, anyone who’s interested in me would have seen me already, and I won’t see their faces until I step on the auction block.

Gina smiles brightly and brings her hands together as she looks at us.

“Great. This is it, girls,” she nods with the same excitement. “Don’t be nervous. That’s the most important thing I have to tell you. There are good nerves and bad ones. The bad ones will make you lose money and look like you’ll be difficult to be with.”

She looks at each of us, but when her gaze lands on me, I wonder if she’s directing that comment at me. I wouldn’t be surprised since, of the bunch, I’m the one with chattering teeth and sweaty palms.

I get what she’s saying, though. It makes sense, and I would imagine it ruins the fantasy.

“Good nerves make you look sexy. It’s okay to look like you don’t know what to expect, but not terrified.” She chuckles and claps her hands. “Now, let’s do this. Numbers one to ten follow me.”

I’m up.
