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My cheeks heat when desire stirs low in my belly and coils into my pussy with

such a powerful force, I clench my thighs.

I know I’m wet, and I’m sure if I don’t control myself, I’ll be leaking any second now.

That’s just the effect of them, and they’ve barely touched me.

It’s only when Henry releases my hand that I remember to breathe and talk. I have to say more than hello to them.

They’re both looking at me now like they want me to do just that, and I remember Gina’s caution about nerves.

The thing is, I am still nervous, but the attraction has worked its way into me and amplified those nerves.

The first thing I should do is thank them like I planned to.

“Thank you for….um….” My voice trails off as I realize saying thanks for buying me might not be the best thing.

Georgiou smiles at me and chuckles.

“Buying?” He fills in.

“Um, yeah. Thanks.”

My gratitude isn’t coming out the way I wanted it to sound.

“We don’t see it as buying per se,” Henry says.

“We see it as paying for an experience. Creating a way to meet you that we wouldn’t under normal circumstances,” Georgiou explains further.

“Oh, I see.”

I’m so stuck on what he said that I zone out for a moment—creating a way to meet me.

There’s a sentiment in those words I shouldn’t feel because, in theory, we just met, though I feel like the reclusive girl who no one ever notices and often calls the reject, getting her wish.

I don’t look like that kind of person, but that’s what my father turned me into.

Georgiou turns his smile up a notch. “Let’s put it this way,Duchess.” He leans closer, and I can’t help but smile at the pet name I now seem to have. “If I walked up to you on the street and asked you to give me your virginity, would you do it?”

All I can do is stare at him. I’m not sure if that’s some type of rhetorical question or if he’s serious.

I think he might be serious, which means either he might not know every woman would say yes, or he does, and he just wantsmyanswer.

From the sinful look in his eyes, I feel like it might be the latter.

“Maybe,” I reply. Cordelia told me never to confirm anything. Saying yes in this situation might make me seem like a slut, and saying no just wouldn’t be good.

“Glad to hear it’s a maybe.” Georgiou winks at me, and I feel like I just passed some test.

When he straightens up, he glances at Henry, who’s already smiling at me with that charm again.

“What about me, Duchess?” he asks.

“Yes,” I answer, this time not thinking.

A ruthless grin lifts the corners of his sensual mouth, and I imagine him taking me precisely like that—ruthlessly.

“Look at that. I get a yes from the Duchess, Georgiou.”
