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“We’re not enemies, Christian, even though you’d like to think we are. We’re not.”

“I don’t want to think that. It just seems that way when you’re always siding with Pa.”

"Believe me, I'm not." That's as much as I'll say to him regarding Pa.

The shit will literally hit the fan when I tell our father about the club. He looks to me to set the example when it comes to our part in the company. That's why I can't be the rebel there or anything concerning it.

"This is good for me. Being away at college was a break I needed. Now I'm back for good. I can't say I was eager to work at the family business or to be back here with so many memories."

The memories he’s talking about are probably the only time we acted as brothers should in the history of us.

A year before he left for college, his girlfriend committed suicide, and we saw it happen.

Her name was Amelia.

She jumped off a cliff. He was right there, nearly an inch away from saving her, but he was too late.

I was right behind him, right there to catch him before he fell.

I don’t know anybody who was burned by love more than him, and only time could heal a wound like that.

It sounds like time still had a lot of work to do.

I rest my hand on his shoulder. “Glad to have you on board. This will be good for the two of us.”

"I think so. On to business, though, you said you had something you needed me to do."

“Yeah. I need someone followed, completely under wraps, but I need your specialty.”

“You need me to hack the shit out of everything they do?” he quirks a brow.

"I do. The trail I have so far has gone cold. It's to do with Ricco and Peter from Donny's company. I'll message you the details of what I need. Go have lunch. I'll pack up here."

He nods, and with that, he leaves.

Christian will be able to put eyes on Peter.

I don’t like that fucker. He’s too quiet for my liking. I don’t trust people like that, but I get why Donny does.

When you live and work with people for a long time, you can't see what others might be able to. You can't feel it either.

Something has always been off with that guy. I just never mentioned it. Now I have a reason.

I glance at the clock on the table. The time is going, and Evie will be here soon.

Talking about Amelia stirred something in me. I remembered how she looked before she jumped.

Like she wanted to be saved but save herself.

Evie had the same look in her eyes too.

It didn't escape me that she stumbled over her name. In my world, you take note of things like that. It suggests things might not be what they seem to be.

It’s obvious she needs the money if she’s selling her virginity.

Her reasons for doing so are entirely hers to keep.

We're not allowed to ask her anything about her personal life, so I don't plan to pry.
