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He starts talking about his run, and we join in when he mentions the park. Evie likes running too.

We eat, and we talk, and suddenly the conversation turns to traveling. Since Henry and I are well-traveled, we were able to regale the Duchess with our tales.

When my phone buzzes in my back pocket, I barely noticed and wouldn’t check it if I didn’t know that it could only be Christian.

Nobody bothers me on weekends. He messaged earlier when he got things set up with Peter, and I told him to contact me again if he found anything I needed to know.

I pull out my phone and see I’m right. The message is from him.

I quickly read it:

Peter just met with Xiou Wong from the Triad. That can’t be good, and I doubt Donny has dealings with them. I’ve got my bots in place to keep tracking his movements.

My nerves spiked, and I wonder what dear old Peter is up to indeed if he’s meeting with the fucking Triad.

I type back:

Thanks, keep watching his ass.

Thank fuck for Christian. I wonder what we’ll find.

Peter is one stupid motherfucker to cross a man like Donny. He’s even more foolish to mess up a good thing most would kill for.

He’s definitely up to shit if he’s talking to Xiou Wong. Shit that Donny isn’t going to like.

This means I’ll need to check Peter’s movements in the bank too. If he’s dabbled with the money from the resort, chances are he’s got his fingers in the bank’s money too.

Donny is not going to like this, and I’m going to hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’d rather Peter than me.

He’s not going to mess with shit on my watch and drag me or my family’s company down. If I mess up in any way, that’s exactly what it will be.

The last time Donny went ape shit was after his son was killed. It was understandable.

He’s the biggest investor at Giordanos Inc, so we try to keep him happy.

Because I’ve taken over his accounting at the bank, it means I can’t fuck up on my end and miss something I should have spotted.

That’s not something I’m going to worry about now.

Henry just gave me a look to signal that it's time, and because I know my bastard friend, he’s going to want Evie to himself because I got to take her virginity.

It will be hours before I get to play with her again.

That’s fine, though. I’ll make up for it and have her to myself too.

“My turn now, Duchess,” Henry announces, catching Evie off guard. It’s almost funny. She was talking about ice cream, and that was his answer. “I think your pussy has had a long enough break. Are you still sore?”

The elegant flush down her neck is pretty against her porcelain skin.

“No, I’m okay.”

He stands and flashes me a smile as he makes his way over to us.

“So you’re ready for me?”

“I am,” she replies, although she looks nervous as fuck.

A little gasp falls from her lips when Henry picks her up and sets her on the table.
