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Even though Henry used to be the quarterback for his college team, he looks more like an ex-marine, but his sandy blond hair and turquoise eyes give him that All-American look.

Both have the GQ good looks Hollywood would pay millions for, andI don’t think there’s a girl alive in this hemisphere who wouldn’t swoon over them for their looks and prestige.

The girls who truly know them would die if either showed the slightest interest in them.They wouldn’t care that Georgiou is from one of the most dangerous crime families in Chicago or that Henry works for them.

Although I’m not sure in what capacity, both work for my father, and they've been coming here sometimes twice a month for the last five years.

Prior to that, it was only Georgiou who came.I would catch my usual glimpse of him in the summer when I was home from school.

Apart from seeing them here, I only know what I know because of Cordelia.She’s eight years older than me and makes it her business to know the deets of every single super-hot eligible bachelor that travels in our circles.

I've had the biggest crush on Georgiou and Henry since I first saw them, so I gobbled up everything Cordelia told me.

I did so, knowing there was no chance in hell either would be interested in a girl like me.

Men like them want real women.

Both just turned thirty, and while the two have been in my world for as long as I can remember, neither know I exist.

Besides, in this tower, no one can see me.

My room is positioned in this fortress of a house to hide me away.

It’s just beneath the attic, but it’s tucked in between two other rooms in one of those weird architectural ways that make me think my father had it designed like that.

Even Rapunzel had it better than me because at least people could see her when she went to her window.

No one can see me unless my father wishes it.

Dad thinks it’s best to live like that to keep me safe.

I’ve lived my life through Cordelia for so long sometimes I forget who I am.

As I watch Georgiou and Henry get into their Black Bugatti, I wonder where they’re going and who they’re going to see.

It’s Saturday night. Men like them are bound to be meeting up with women who probably look like Victoria’s Secret Angels.

As soon as their car pulls away, there’s a knock at my door.

The opening of the door robs me of seeing them pull away from the drive.

Dad comes in with a wry smile and looks over my attire.His lips press into a line of displeasure, and I know it’s because I’m still wearing the same clothes from this morning.

“Evie, I told you we’re having a special dinner tonight.I need you to get dressed.”

“Sure.” I straighten up. “Dad, can I just ask who is coming to dinner?You didn't say, and I didn't want a party for my birthday.”

Dad stiffens and lowers his salt and pepper brows.

“This isn’t a party. It's a special dinner, so I’d like you to get ready and wear the dress I gotyou.”


“Enough, Evangeline, just get ready. Okay?”

The use of my full name in that harsh tone shuts medown.Dad is strict and stern at the best of times, but that was a little much even forhim.

“Okay.” I nod, and that sad look comes back into his eyes again before heleaves.
