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Dad, however, gives him a proud smile and stands to greet him with a hug when Peter walks up to him.

“Wonderful, I’m glad you’re here now,” Dad states and motions for Peter to sit on his other side.

I say nothing.

Peter knows it's no secret I can't stand him.

What he doesn't know is why. If I'm being honest, though, I'd have to admit, I felt this way long before I had a reason to.

Dad gives me an uneasy look for my silence, but I ignore him.

He knows how I feel about Peter too, and that’s probably why he didn’t tell me he was our special dinner guest.What I don’t know is why he's suddenly so special.

“It’s nice for us to gather like this in celebration of my daughter’s birthday,” Dad says.

“Happy birthday, Evangeline. You look beautiful,” Peter tells me, and his dark green eyes take me in with that uncanny fascination I’ve always hated.

“Thank you,” I reply stiffly.

I'm expecting Dad to do some form of explanation, but he doesn’t.

He and Peter start talking about business, then we eat.

I almost, almost believe the worse part of the evening is over with Peter’s presence, but in the breath of finishing dinner and getting dessert, Dad clears his throat.He does it in that suggestive way that says he wants our attention and give it we do.

I also notice Lucia in the passageway signaling to the chefs to hold off bringing out dessert.Fury fills me that she might know what’s going on, and I still don’t.

“I think it’s time to discuss other matters I wanted us to talk about together,” Dad states. “I’ve had an amazing opportunity to purchase a chateau in Tuscany with a fourhundredyearold vineyard.I’m looking to continue the business previously run as a winery, so that means I’m going to be spending more time in Italy.”

“More time?” I ask. My palms become clammy with sweat as I stare at him.

“Yes, my dear daughter. As in, I might be moving there, or at the very least, I’ll be there more than here.So, the time has come to hand over the bank and the resort to a new leader.”

My eyes dart to Peter, who is already looking at me.He looks too comfortable, and I’m certain he’s well aware of what’s going on.I’m the last to know anything, and for as much as I know my father loves me, I hate the way he treats me.

He treats me like I’m a thing without feelings and emotions.That’s what happens to you when you have to do as your told.

“When is this happening?”

“Next month, just after you graduate.”

“So I won’t see you before I go to college?”

He presses his lips together, and I already know the answer he’s going to give me is not one I’ll like.

“There’s been a change of plans in regard to college.I was hoping you could still go, but that’s going to depend on what Peter thinks.”

My nerves scatter as my gaze snaps back to Peter.

“What do you mean, what Peter thinks?” I counter.“I always had plans to go to college.It shouldn’t matter what anybody thinks besides me.What’s going on, Dad?”

“Evie, I’m giving Peter the business. I plan to do the official handover by the end of the year.Part of the terms for his acceptance of my offer is to marry you.”

I bolt up out of my chair, nearly knocking it over.“No. I can’t. I can’t do it.”

Dad stands too, looking as enraged as I expect him to be.He loathes when I try to argue with him in public.Tonight is no different.

However, I can’t worry about how angry he might be with me because he’s talking about signing my life away to this monster.
