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“Let’s swap out,” Georgiou says to Henry.

“I’m going to finish in her.”

“That’s okay. I’ll take her on the next round.”

Round. Yes, please. My God, I’m such a slut.

They swap out, and the mere break I get makes me remember how badly I need to come.

“Please, I need to come. Please, Sir.” I beg.

“No,” Henry replies as he starts to fuck me hard, driving my body into the mattress. “Remember, Duchess, good girls get rewards. You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then let me fuck you, and I’ll tell you when you can come.”

I become lost in his and Georgiou’s touch until I forget that I need to come.

The pleasure and pain blend together as the bed shakes and the chains rattle, and the men have their way with me.

More hot wax simmers over me, and ice cools the path moments later. Lips kiss over my skin and suck and tease me to life.

Time freezes, but all I feel is them.

When Henry’s cock stiffens inside me, I know he’s ready to come.

“Let’s do this together, Duchess. Come for us. Come for the two of us. Come, and when you do, think of both of us. Not just me and not just him.”

I do. I come as passion combusts inside me, and I think of their faces and their touch. I surrender to the fire flowing within my body, and I surrender to that thing that’s been lurking in my mind for a long time now—that thing that has always drawn me to both of them.

Henry floods me, and we both cry out in the shared release.

Georgiou runs his fingers over my skin, and I feel his touch everywhere, inside and outside of me.

I’ll never forget this moment. It’s something I’ll remember for as long as I live.

* * *

As the radiant beams of sunlight pierce through the blanket of darkness from the night before, the sun anchors itself into the heavens.

Golden arms hug the city with the brilliance of a new day with all the promises starting over can bring.

I remember watching the sunrise with my mother.

She always used to say that a new day is the chance to start fresh. It doesn’t matter about what happened yesterday; what matters is the day you have lying before you because it could be your last.

Mom took her last breath in Italy in her birthplace.

She wanted to see one last sunset there before she died, so my father made it happen.

The sunset in Italy is beautiful. It’s beautiful here, too, but there’s something about seeing it there that’s refreshing and invigorating.

That’s what my mother wanted to be her final memory.

We were right beside her in that bedroom of my grandparents' home—my father, brother, and me.

Moments before she left, she reminded each of us of that saying she always said and then told us she loved us. I’ll never forget, though, that when she said it to my father, they smiled at each other, and she told him, ‘‘I’ll see you in my dreams.’’
