Page 118 of Casualty of Devotion

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I refuse to believe anything else.

Chapter thirty-eight



My hands shake as I fuss with my tie, a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. Worst case scenarios run through my head, anxiety fluttering in my stomach, fearing something will ruin my carefully laid out plans.

No, you can’t think like that, I chide myself for the fifth time since I put on my suit.Everything will be perfect.

The bathroom door opens and Irelynn steps out, wearing a long-sleeved, lacy white dress that hits mid-thigh. Her hair has grown longer and hangs a few inches above her waist.

She takes my breath away.

All my nervousness fades as a huge smile crosses my lips, and I automatically move closer to her, desperate to be near her, touch her. Taking large, deep, savoring breaths, I stop right in front of her, inhaling her apple cinnamon scent.

I let out a long whistle, wrapping my fingers around hers and twirling her around, my eyes taking in her stunning beauty. When she stops, facing me, her porcelain skin glows radiantly, her inner beauty shining through her chocolate eyes and wide smile. “You look fucking gorgeous, my love.”

Euphoria fills me as I stare into her eyes, the window to her exquisite soul. The electrical current flows through my body as I wrap my arms around her, swaying her gently.

Her hands cup my face, her voice soft and angelic. “Thank you, love. And can I just say how dashing you look in that suit?” She steps back slightly, her hands gripping mine, as her eyes rove slowly down my body, then back up. Biting her lip, she gives me a beaming smile, yearning in her eyes. “I’ll thoroughly enjoy taking it off you later.”

Pulling her against me, I growl lightly in her ear. “I can’t wait to strip you outta this dress. And rip your panties from your body.”

Her eyes heat from my words, her glossy, pink lips parting slightly. My index finger moves to her chin, and I raise it slightly, my lips covering hers. She lets out a sigh of contentment as I turn my head, changing the angle of our kiss. Her arms wrap around my neck, invoking the memory of the first time I tasted her lips and breathed her in.

She forever ingrained herself so deeply inside me that I don’t know where she ends and I begin.

As we slowly pull apart, her big brown eyes lock on mine, her head tilting slightly. “Why did you ask me to get dressed up tonight?”

I chuckle, shaking my head. “Trying a new tactic, huh?”

She laughs. “Pretty much.”

Lowering my head, my lips gently brush the shell of her ear. “You’ll find out soon.”

A shudder of pleasure goes through her body, as affected by me as I am of her. She shakes her head, her blonde hair glowing with highlights from the late afternoon sun that shines through the window. “I guess we’d better go, so I can find out.”

“Your chariot awaits, madam.” I hold out my arm and she takes it, her white smile beaming at me.

“Aren’t you forgetting our bags?” She raises her eyebrows, an amused smirk on her lips.

“Nope. I already put them in my Jeep.”

She shakes her head. “I should have known. You’re always prepared.”

Smiling, I take her hand and lead her down the stairs and out to my vehicle. For once, I’m only listening to her with half an ear, lost inside my own head.

When Irelynn was in captivity, I dreamed of our proposal. Tonight, I’m planning to reenact the scene from my dream, except that after dinner, I’m taking her to the Heritage Hills gazebo where we had pictures taken during their annual holiday festival two weeks ago.

I’ve rented it out for the evening and with the help of Jack, Rosalyn, Darin, Vanessa, and of all people, William, we’ve decorated it with garland and red and white lights, and hooked up a sound system with speakers for music.

As I’m going through all the plans in my head, my phone beeps with an incoming text.

Darin: Everything is good with the gazebo. Lights will be going on in an hour.

Me:Perfect. Thank you for everything.
