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Anger courses through me. “You ripped me away from my family, my friends, and, most importantly, from him.” My hand gently clasps Max’s, the knife in my other hand still behind my back. “You’ll never fucking understand because you don’t know what it’s like to love someone. What you feel isnotlove, but obsession.” My eyes flash with my contempt as I stare him down.

He makes a tsking sound as he cocks one eyebrow, a menacing smile covering his lips. “I will take great pleasure in killing your lover, then keeping you as my prisoner… forever.”

I barely have time to react as he lunges toward me. Dropping Max’s hand, I whip out the knife and swing as hard as I can, but he predicts my movement and steps to the side, gripping my wrist and squeezing so hard I have no choice but to drop it. His body is so close that as he shakes from his rage, I feel it thrumming against my skin.

My panicked breaths make my chest, lungs, and throat burn as it rasps out of me. He pulls me against him, kissing me on the mouth hard, his lips bruising and punishing.

When he pulls back, the smile on his face is full of hostility and spite as he practically sing-songs, “This won’t hurt me one fucking bit.” He shoves me and I stumble back, stopping when my back hits the wall and my feet slide from beneath me. He stoops and picks up the knife. As he raises it, I release a howl from deep within my soul.

Adrenaline courses through me as I run and leap onto Max, knowing I’m hurting him. The blade plunges into my back and I gasp, the stabbing pain causing me to fall to my side, my horrified eyes staring at Max.

“God, Irelynn.Nooooo!” His voice is full of anguish, raspy and breaking, as tears course down his face, soaking into the gauze bandages covering his wounds. His heart shatters inside those baby blue eyes I love so much. The eyes I’d hoped to look into for the rest of my life.

It seems only fitting they are the last thing I’ll see.

“I love you so much, Max. I can’t live without you.” Tears pour down my face. “I don’t even wanna try.”

“I love you, beautiful. So fucking much.” His hand grips me as blood fills my mouth, dripping onto his body.

The blade slashes across Max’s throat and he gasps, a gurgling noise coming from him before the light leaves his eyes and they become vacant.

Oh my God. He fucking killed Max!

William grabs me by the hair, pulling me from Max’s body. It hurts like hell, but I don’t fight against him.

I’ve lost all will to live.

“Awe, Goldilocks, this isn’t any fun.” William twists my body around so my face is close to his. “It’s so much more enjoyable when you fight.”

I stare at him wordlessly, refusing to give him what he desires.

He shakes his head, frustrated by me giving up. Shrugging, he lays the knife on the bed, then walks away to grab towels.

My eyes move to the long, shiny blade. It beckons me like the last rays of sunshine on the horizon, offering the only hope I have in this situation. My hand slides toward it, wrapping around the handle, lifting it from the bed.

As William turns around, I give him a genuine smile. “Goodbye, William.”

In a flash, I whip around so I’m facing Max, and with a flick of my wrist, I drag the blade across my throat, splitting my skin from left to right, slicing deep. My eyes are locked on Max’s lifeless body as my torso collapses over his.

I’m coming to join you, my love. We’ll be together, always.

Bolting into a sitting position, my breath heaves out of my lungs. Sweat rolls down my skin as my gaze trails over my body, terrified I’ll be wearing a bloody, white nightgown.

Instead, I’m greeted by the sight of a pale blue long-sleeved t-shirt as the glow of the television and the dim light of the moon shine into the bedroom. My fingers close around the material, clenching it between my fingers, as my pulse races like a rollercoaster beneath my skin. My breathing is fast and irregular, and I will it to calm down as my eyes rove around the darkened room, my senses slowly releasing the terror that grips me.

It’s okay. It was just a nightmare.

When my pulse and heart rate finally return to normal, I release the fabric of my shirt. My eyes scan the bedroom, a sense of hopelessness filling me.

I’m alone, in the same room I’ve been held captive in for days. I don’t know where I am, if Max is dead or alive, and what William has planned for me.

Tears fill my eyes, making them sting, as the hollow feeling in my chest reminds me of the chocolate Easter bunny I received one year. Expecting a mouthful of solid chocolate, I was sorely disappointed when I bit into it and only tasted a chocolate outer shell, with nothing inside.

That’s how I feel now—Like a hollow candy bunny.

My heart sinks inside my chest as reality sinks into me, like a leaky ship taking on water, my own emotions threaten to drown me.

I don’t know which is worse—my nightmares or my reality?
