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His words are comforting. I know it’s stupid to doubt her love for me, and I’m sure being hurt in the past is influencing my insecurities.

“Damian is right about one thing, though. If Irelynn thinks William killed you, she will despise him.” He pauses, his hand rubbing over his face. “I wouldn’t put it past her to kill him.”

Swallowing hard, I stare at him. “That could be a fatal mistake if she tried.” I shake my head. “I know my girl is strong as fuck, but she’s not inherently evil, so she’s automatically at a disadvantage. If she doesn’t succeed, he’ll likely kill her.”

Darin leans his head against the wall, nodding. “We need to tell Vanessa about Damian. Not what he said he’d do to Irelynn,” he adds quickly. “But that he’s William’s half-brother and why he wanted to kill you. She knows a lot of people and she can have someone tail him to see if he can lead us to where William is holding Irelynn.” He holds up a hand as soon as I open my mouth. “He knows us, Max. He met all of us at that party.”

I shut my mouth, knowing he’s right. “What about Irelynn’s parents?”

“We tell them the same thing we tell Vanessa, but I don’t want Jack and Rosalyn tailing Damian. If he would lead them to William’s, I don’t trust that Jack wouldn’t go off half-cocked.” He gives me a meaningful look. “And we all know how that ended up for you.”

Looking down at my lap, I say, “I know that was fucking stupid. I should have waited.”

“But you’d do it again in a heartbeat.” Darin grins at me, and I can’t help but return it.

“You bet your ass. Will you—”

He cuts me off. “If we have any solid leads as to where Irelynn is, I’ll bust you out of this damned hospital and help you rescue her. But I’m going inside first. You stay behind me and get your fucking girl.” He stretches his long legs, crossing his arms. “That is your job. Get her. Let me beat William and Damian’s asses, okay?”

I grin, nodding, but then it fades. “But going anywhere unarmed probably isn’t…” I trail off, seeing Darin’s face. “What? Do you have them?”

Bending down, he grabs the duffel bag, showing me a glimpse of the handgun inside. “The other is in my Jeep. One for you, the other mine.” He shifts the clothes to hide them, then zips it shut.

“How did Vanessa manage to get that in here?”

He grins. “I didn’t ask.”

Chuckling, I shake my head. “I’m not complaining, but I won’t ask.”

Darin shrugs. “I’m sure she’ll probably tell us later.”

“I’m sure she will.”

Vanessa returns with three steaming coffees, and takes a seat in the chair Darin pulls beside his so we can tell her what transpired at the warehouse. She is horrified, her eyes nearly bulging from their sockets, her mouth dropping open.

And then, she’s furious, like an unrelenting tornado. “That slimy motherfucker!” She rises from her chair so fast it scraps across the floor, flying against the wall. Her hands ball into fists as she paces around the room. “Damian was at our apartment last semester, helping Irelynn study for a test. She’s met him in the library for biology tutoring. He’s sat in the coffee shop with us.” Spittle builds up in the corners of her mouth. “And neveroncedid that asshole say anything about William.”

Darin gets up, putting a hand gently on her shoulder as she paces near him, stopping her movements. “Vanessa, it’s not your fault. None of us saw Damian coming. He fooled us.”

“I’m ripping his fucking balls off when I see him. With my bare hands.” Darin steps back and both of us wince and grab our junk, imagining the horrific pain that would cause. Vanessa is so wound up in her rant, she doesn’t notice. “Then when I have his tiny balls in my hands, I’m going to ram them down his throat.”

“Ouch.” Darin looks at me, a slight smile on his face. “She’s vicious.”

I grin, watching Vanessa pace the floors again.

“That motherfucker is dead. I will torture and maim him six ways to Sunday for fucking with my best friend.” She crosses her arms. “Nothing I hate more than being fooled.” Her heels click across the floor as she pivots, her stare vacant, focused inward from her fury. “WilliamfuckingAnderson is going to wish he’d never laid eyes on me, nor touched my best friend. That motherfucker…”

Her words fade out as pain lances through my body. I hate all of this, but her fury is only increasing my guilt and remorse for not preventing this from happening in the first damn place. Darin notices and hurries to Vanessa, whispering something in her ear. Her emerald eyes rove over me and her anger drops from a boil to a simmer.

“I’m really sorry, Max. Please, don’t blame yourself. None of this isyourfault.”

I know she’s right, but my thoughts are still full of self-loathing as I wish like hell I could go back to that fateful night I fell asleep in the library.

There’s a knock on the door and I look up, expecting to see Jack and Rosalyn. Instead, a man steps into the room, clearing his throat. “Good morning. I’m Dr. Clarke. I need to check over our patient. Would the two of you mind stepping outside?”

Darin and Vanessa nod, immediately heading for the door. The doctor reviews my chart before he begins examining me, asking me questions as he does.

“When will I get out of here?”
