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“Actually, I do, Will.”

He studies me for several long beats, then says, “We’d better sit down.” He gestures towards the chairs.

I sit, propping my feet against the railing, relaxing into the chair. I gaze around at the brilliant fall colors that surround us, not even minding the breeze that causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. “The only thing that would make this moment better is a frozen mocha coffee and a pair of sunglasses.” I grin, my head turning toward his.

“I’ve got you covered.” He pulls out his phone, his fingers flying rapidly over it, then shoves it into the pocket of his running pants, leaning back in the chair. He puts one foot up on the railing, his face turned to the sun. His tight t-shirt clings to the planes and ridges of his defined chest and abs.

Without turning his head, his voice wraps around me. “Admiring the view?”

I assume he’s talking about the breathtaking woods around us, and as I open my mouth to reply, he cuts me off.

“I’m not talking about the woods, blondie. I’m referring to you undressing me with your eyes.” He slowly turns his head, giving me a lazy smile.

My face flames and I shake my head. “Oh, I’m not—”

“Yes, you are.” He interrupts, chuckling. “I’m just teasing you about it. You’re allowed to look.”

Lowering my gaze, I bite my lip, guilt tightening my chest, making it harder for me to breathe.

What does that say about me? I’m in love with Max, but William is right. I was just checking him out.

“You’re not married or dead, Irelynn. You can look.” His tone is surprisingly gentle.

I give him a weak smile. “I just…” I swallow hard, twisting my fingers together in my lap. Turning my head to the beauty of the woods surrounding us, I stare with unseeing eyes.

“You are feeling guilty because you love Max and you just checked me out.” His words are right on the money.

Slowly turning my head to his, I brace myself, preparing for the arrogance I’m certain will be coming from William in waves. I’m stunned when he simply stares at me, leaning back in his seat with a grimace on his face.

I’m speechless, unsure what I should say.

He holds up a hand. “Don’t say anything, blondie. I already know.” He heaves out a long breath, his hand going through his hair. “Your heart completely belongs to him. The entire time you’ve been here, your loyalty to him has never once wavered.” His hand rubs over his face as he stares off into the distance.

After a long pause, he meets my gaze. “If it didn’t hurt so fucking much, I’d be really impressed.”

Sympathy rolls through me, shining from my eyes. I hate hurting him, but I won’t lie to him. His words are exactly what I’m feeling in my heart. Just hearing Max’s name made my heart clench inside my chest.

I open my mouth to inquire about Max right as Bryan walks out the door, two coffees in his hands and a sweatshirt over his arm. He nods at me, hands us the coffees, then hands me the hoodie. Giving him a grateful smile, I quickly put it on, and find him holding out a pair of sunglasses. William already has his on his face.

“Thanks, Bryan. I appreciate you bringing this to us.” I pause, my tone soft. “Thank you, Will. I didn’t even have to ask for the sweatshirt.”

He lowers his leg, crossing his ankles, then pulls his sunglasses down his nose so I can see his eyes. “I saw your goosebumps.” He winks, then nods at Bryan, who leans against the railing, facing us.

Bryan’s eyes are on William’s face. “I don’t know much. There are still so many pieces from the explosion since most of the stuff was still in boxes because we weren’t operational yet.”

Clasping my coffee tightly in my hands, I stare at Bryan with hopeful eyes.

Please, tell me Max is okay.

“The cameras show Max moving across the parking lot toward the door on the east side. He entered through that location and progressed through the warehouse. He was heading up the stairs to what was formerly office space, but now contains our unpacked products, when Damian came up behind him, holding a gun.”

I gasp, my hand covering my mouth. The hand gripping my coffee cup shaking from my terror and shock.

William slides his hair closer, grabbing onto my shaking hand.

Bryan stares at me for a few beats, not saying anything. Finally, I wave my hand for him to continue, desperate to know what happened… and yet… not wanting to know.

“Damian had to know where the cameras were. No matter the angle of what I viewed on my phone and computers, I can’t figure out how or when he entered the warehouse. I’m not sure how he disrupted the feed. The only reason we know the warehouse exploded was the alarm system went off, but he was even able to disable the cameras in the surrounding woods.”
