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I cautiously creep through, my eyes darting around, trying to see Max in the faint dimness of the hallway light. But I can’t see anything—

I smell him seconds before his hands pull me tightly to him, his lips crashing onto mine, muffling my shocked gasp. He grips me so tightly it hurts, and I’m gripping him just as hard, relishing every single second of being back with him. Our mouths are at war, devouring one another until we bruise each other’s lips. My hands wind through the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him tighter against me.

He pulls away too soon, trying to get ahold of himself. “Does William know?”

I know he’s asking if William knows that he’s here, but I honestly have no idea. He’s so damn intelligent, and fear winds around my heart, knowing he probably does. “I’m not sure. I suspect he does, but…” I bite my lip, staring into Max’s face.

I know Max has a gun. I felt it when he wound his arms around me, kissing me.

Fear trails down my spine as I hear William’s voice. “He sure fucking does, asshole. You think you can break into my house without me knowing?” The gun in William’s hand is pointed at Max’s face.

Turning, I meet William’s furious blue eyes, pleading with my own. His face is full of betrayal, but I’m convinced I can get him to calm down.

“I knew I couldn’t trust you. After everything—”

Before I can process anything, Max has already fired a shot over his shoulder, hitting William, pushing me out of the way as William’s gun fires. Max’s body is against mine as he aims, ready to pull the trigger again, but I push against his arm.

“Please don’t kill him.” I sense the motion since I can’t hear her over the ringing in my ears from the gunshots. When I turn my head, Emma stands there, her mouth and eyes wide with horror. “Emma, call 9-1-1.”

I instantly move toward William, hearing Max’s voice behind me.

“Irelynn, what the fuck are you doing?” His voice is a loud whisper, full of disbelief. He’s pointing the gun toward William, but he can’t get a clean shot since I’m crawling toward him. “Get out of the way.”

“Will, are you okay?” My hands touch him, and I feel the blood seeping between my fingers as I lower my head, hoping to feel his breath on my face, searching for a pulse and heartbeat. My eyes trail down and I smell the copper aroma as I lift my hand from his shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, I apply gentle pressure to the wound. “Will, hang on. Help is on the way.”

Max’s eyes bore into my back, and I can feel the confusion seeping into my skin, but I can’t explain. Not right now.

I’d never betray Max. But William is hurt, and I’m torn.

Hearing Bryan’s voice, I look up to see Max pointing the gun at him. He says a few words and Max nods, then Bryan comes over to me. William emits a low groan, which makes me feel slightly better. Bryan squats down beside William, and then I see Emma talking to Max. He makes eye contact with me and I nod, so he motions her forward.

“I’ve got this, Irelynn. Go be with him.” I look into Bryan’s face, gratefulness pouring through me as he nods towards Max. As I move my hand, Bryan’s hand replaces it with his, and his other hand reaches toward me, handing me a rag to wipe William’s blood from my hand.

“Thank you. I hope he’s okay.”

As I stand, Bryan says, “He will be. Oh, and Irelynn? He’ll forgive you.”

I nod, hoping that is the case. William and I have finally mended the scars of our past and I’ve really enjoyed the friendship we’ve been cultivating.

I hurry over to Max, my eyes locked on his. “I have so much to tell you. But the most important thing is that there is nothing going on between me and William. It’s you, Max. It’s always been you since the day we first met.” My other hand reaches for him and tears spring to my eyes as he instantly pulls me closer to him.

“I know, baby. There could be no one else for either of us.” He leans his forehead against mine, breathing me in, as I smile, winding my arms around him.

As they carry William’s body out on the stretcher and I exchange some quick words with Bryan and Emma, we head out the door Max came in, staring at the night sky. The storm has gone around us, and I’m grateful that Max is here with me, looking at me the way he always has.

As if the entire world vanishes when I’m around and all he can see is me.

My eyes rove over him, and that’s when I notice the bandages and blood seeping through them.

I gasp, my hand going to the one on his upper chest. “Max?”

Suddenly, my dream changes and I’m standing in a hospital room, a team of medical professionals surrounding Max, sweat pouring from his body like the soaking rain hitting a windowpane. Despite the intense way he’s sweating, his body shakes from his chills, and he groans, his head moving back and forth. His jaw clenches and his eyes squeeze shut, and then I hear him mumble prayers.

I squeeze into a spot beside his bed. Grabbing his hand, I squeeze it tightly within mine, tears running down my face. “I love you, Max. You will be okay. Just fight this and come back to me. I need you.”

The trembling in his body begins to lessen, and I feel the slight pressure of his hand in mine. Relief and hope fills my heart.
