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I cringe, fearful for Everleigh. “Did you see Ainsley again after that?”

“For a couple of weeks. Then she vanished.”

I can’t tell William that I fear Ainsley had something to do with Everleigh’s disappearance, or that I’m afraid she hurt her.

His words pull me from my thoughts. “I was devastated when Everleigh disappeared. I searched for months, using every resource possible. Yet, I didn’t uncover one single clue.”

I lean forward, grabbing William’s hand with mine. “I’m so sorry, Will. But please, don’t lose hope. She may have disappeared when she saw Ainsley, especially if she feared for her safety.”

William gently squeezes my hand. “Thanks, Irelynn.” He stares at his sneakers, the lost little boy expression on his face tugging at my heart. “Maybe that wasn’t it at all.” He pauses for a few beats as I wait patiently, sadness lining his face. “Maybe she just abandoned me. Like everyone else does, sooner or later.”

My heart squeezes painfully in my chest. I get up and perch on the arm of the chair, putting an arm around him. “That’s not true, Will. Not everyone will abandon you. Nor have they.” I wait until he looks at me. “Emma and Bryan have never abandoned you.”

“True.” He pushes a lock of hair from my forehead. “Thanks, Irelynn.”

He looks so brokenhearted. It tugs on my heartstrings.

He’s searching for someone to love him. But in my opinion, it’s not just anyone he wants to love him.

He wants Everleigh.

The bedroom door opens, pulling me from my thoughts. I look up to see William standing there, dressed all in black. His muscles are tense and anger vibrates from his body, filling the room. When he speaks, I realize his anger isn’t directed at me.

“I need to leave for a few hours. Emma will be here with you if you need anything.” He turns and starts to pull the door closed, but my voice stops him.

“Will.” He pauses, his hand on the door. I stand, slowly walking towards him. He turns around, his features softening when he looks at my face. “Be careful.” I gently reach my hand out, grabbing his arm and giving it a squeeze. “Please.”

His head lowers, staring at my hand. He swallows hard, then looks up at my face. The overhead light captures the softening of his face. “I will, Irelynn. I promise.” He moves his arm, gripping my hands in his. “Thanks for caring.”

That damn lost little boy look gets me every time.

I squeeze his hands, then drop them, stepping into him and giving him a hug. “You’re welcome.” I pull back. “And take care of Bryan, too. Or Emma will have your head.”

William chuckles, releasing me. “You bet. I already know what will happen if I don’t. Trust me, Emma has warned me on multiple occasions.”

I laugh, following him out of the room. “Speaking of, I think I’m going to eat another piece of Emma’s cake.”

“You better eat it before Bryan devours it. He’s eating a piece now.”

“Well, shit.” I run around William, heading for the kitchen. “Bryan. Don’t eat all that cake!” I hear William laughing behind me as I skid to a stop, my socks sliding across the floor. My hand presses against my heart. “Thank heavens there is a piece left.”

Emma is already on it, getting me a plate. “Of course, dear. I saved you a piece.” She slides the last piece of cake onto it, grabbing a fork and handing it to me.

I give her a quick hug before sliding into the chair in front of the chocolatey goodness. “You are the best, Emma.”

She winks at me. “I know, dear.”

The three of us start laughing. I look up to find William standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. Bryan hurriedly shoves the remaining bite of his piece of cake into his mouth, then kisses Emma’s cheek. “Thanks for the cake, mom. I’ll see you later.”

She squeezes him, kissing his cheek. I watch them, touched by their relationship. Bryan meets my gaze and smiles. “See ya later, Irelynn. Take care of my mom.”

I roll my eyes. “As if she’d let me.”

The three of them laugh as Emma follows behind Bryan. She stops in front of William, cupping his face in her hands. “Take care of yourself and my boy, William. I couldn’t bear for anything to happen to either one of you.”

William’s face softens and he kisses her cheek, giving her a hug. “Always, momma bear.” As he releases her, I see Emma’s face glowing with love for him. Then she looks at Bryan, giving him another hug and kiss.

“Oh hell. I’m getting emotional.” Pushing my chair back, I hurry over, hugging William and then I even hug a surprised Bryan. “Take care.Bothof you.”
