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My everything.

The love of my life.

Chapter twenty-five



Neither of us has slept, though we should be exhausted. Instead, we are too busy basking in one another, cherishing every single second together.

After her abduction, I will never take any time I spend with her for granted again.

And though I love being inside this beautiful woman, as I hold her in my arms beneath the full moon and the brightly twinkling stars of the chilly October night, until the vibrant yellow and red sunrise of the breaking dawn, I’ve never felt such intimacy between us.

Cleansing ourselves of our secrets has been freeing in a way I’ve never expected, bringing me closer to her in unimaginable ways.

I thought I loved her before this, but right now, I can’t imagine loving her more.

I’m hopelessly devoted to her. I worship everything about this woman.

Guilt for not trusting that she’d accept me or, worse yet, abandon me, makes my chest tighten and my thoughts fill with self-loathing.

“Don’t do that, love.” Her fingers trace over my skin as she leans over me, concern darkening her chocolate eyes. “No self-loathing for not telling me about your past.” She presses her lips to mine firmly, admonishing me before her lips turn softer, sweeter. “No regrets. Only love.”

Her smile warms my insides and I chuckle, my hands cupping her face. “You are one helluva extraordinary woman, baby.” Pressing my forehead against hers, my voice is full of wonder. “How did I ever get so lucky to find you?”

“We are lucky and should always be grateful and appreciative of what we have together. But I don’t think it’s luck.” She pauses, her eyes shining with moisture. “I believe it’s fate.”

Fate. Destiny.

As I pull her on top of my body, I feel it all through me. I’ve found my home. She owns every part of me. Irelynn is the other half of my soul.

She’s better than anything I’ve ever dreamed or wished for.

“Always, baby. I’ll never stop appreciating you, or us.”

My lips cover hers, the fire burning hot between us. As much as I want her, right here and now, I know that our family and friends will likely be coming outside soon. Pulling back with a slightly exasperated groan, I see the disappointment in her eyes.

“I need to work on increasing security at my place. In the meantime, how about I get us a hotel room for a couple of days?”

She gives me a bright smile. “I’m here for it.” She looks down at my sweatshirt. “Although, I’ll need to get some clothes soon.”

“No you won’t.” My grin is wolfish, desire lighting up my face.

She laughs. “To be clear, I meant to go out in public.” Her face momentarily clouds. “I need to figure out the whole school thing. I’ve missed mid-terms and likely was denied admission to graduate school.” Her head lowers, tears shimmering on her lashes.

Gripping her chin, I gently lift her head to mine. “Baby, your goals and dreams haven’t vanished. They are still there. Just delayed a bit, but still there.”

My heart clenches as I gaze at her sad face. Nothing makes me feel worse than the sadness that stares back at me. My lungs constrict as I try to make her feel better. “My dreams were delayed by my tragedy. But they didn’t disappear. They were just put on hold, waiting until I was ready to reach for them again. It’s no different for you.”

Her face brightens with hope. “You won’t think I’m a slacker if I take a medical leave of absence this semester?”

“Hell no, baby. I need to take one as well. I’ve missed a lot of classes and recuperating will take me longer than I’d like to admit.” I pull her face to mine, kissing her gently. “We can start fresh next semester. And whatever you need—an ear to listen, arms to hold you if you have nightmares, counseling—anything, I’m here and will support whatever you want and need.”

“God, I love you.” She hugs me tightly, arms clinging to my neck like she’d drown without me. But I’d never let her sink under the weight of the tragedy that haunts her. I’ll always be the life raft who helps her float, giving her anything she needs until she’s strong enough to swim again.

“I love you with every damn piece of me, beautiful.Allof me.” Holding her against me, our hearts beat in unison, our pulses racing together like a churning river beneath our skin.
