Page 100 of Tremors of Desire

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Hitching my backpack over my shoulders, I hurry through across the second floor, running down the steps to the main entrance of the library.

Pushing through the doors, as the cool night air swells over my skin, the hair on my neck prickles. There’s a feeling in my gut that something isn’t right.

Adrenaline surges through me as I hurry across the quad, practically running toward the commuter parking lot where my Jeep is parked. I just want to get to Irelynn, a desperate urge to see her clawing up my body.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I pull out my keys. My hands shake, and I end up dropping them on the pavement.


Kneeling to pick them up, the parking lot light glints off something beneath the driver’s side door of my Jeep. My heart pounds faster as I drop to my knees, reaching for it. My fingers close over the smooth case and my pulse races as I pull my arm back. Instant recognition makes my legs weak, and I flip it over, pressing the home button on Irelynn’s iPhone. The wallpaper is displayed, a photo of Irelynn and me taken last weekend when we went hiking at Redwood Lake.

Why the hell would Irelynn’s cell phone be lying under my Jeep?She was texting me earlier, so I know she had it.

A wave of dizziness hits me, my stomach rolling. My heartbeat feels sluggish as I stare at the picture of us.

My hands shake as I enter her passcode into her phone. An unread text message is displayed on the screen. It was sent from “me” nearly an hour ago. Clicking on it, I read the last two texts on her phone:

Irelynn:Surprise. I’m here on campus. Vanessa had an emergency (I’ll explain when I see you) and I asked her to drop me here. Are you still in the library?

Me:So glad you’re here. Yes, I’m in the library. See you soon.

My hand slaps over my mouth, bile rising in my throat. Irelynn sent me that message during the time I was asleep in the library. When I woke up, my phone was gone.

That response wasnotfrom me.It doesn’t even sound like me.Irelynn would have known that, had she read it. But she never got the chance…

I tremble uncontrollably, fear rolling over me, making me sweat, despite the cool night air. For once, I’m paralyzed, coming apart at the seams, unable to think, function, or figure out what to do.

Breathing deep, I tilt my head to the sky, staring at the stars. Tears prickle behind my eyelids as the memory assaults me.

Two weeks ago, Irelynn and I had the top off my Jeep. We reclined the seats, holding hands, and talked about our hopes and dreams. As the first star lit the dark skies, I turned to Irelynn. Pointing at it, I said, “Close your eyes and make a wish.”

She did, and when her chocolate eyes opened, she had the most beautiful smile on her face. “That was the hardest one I’ve ever had to make. Because I already have everything I could wish for in you.”

Tears trickle down my face as I hear those words, over and over in my head.

And now I just fucking let her down. She obviously needed me, and I wasn’t there for her.

My fingers scrape through my hair.Fuck, Max, get your shit together.

Tilting my head down, my gaze lingers on Irelynn’s phone. Turning the flashlight on, I squat down, shining it around the parking lot. I spot her lip gloss beside my tire. Wrapping my hand around it, I pull it toward me. I don’t see anything else.

But I know my girl and there’s two things she’s never without—her cell phone and her lip gloss.

Pulling up her contacts on her phone, I press Vanessa’s name, putting her on speaker as I pace around the parking lot, waiting impatiently for her to answer.

Vanessa’s tearful voice finally answers. “Irelynn, I’m—”

“It’s Max, Vanessa.” I pause for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to say.

“Max? Why are you calling me on Irelynn’s phone? Is she okay?”

I swallow hard. Such a loaded question. “I-I’m not sure. Her phone was lying beneath my Jeep when—”

“Wait, why was her phone beneath your Jeep? I dropped her off beside your vehicle shortly after 9:00. She said she was going to text you and meet you in the library so you—”

“She never showed.” I swallow hard, the pieces clicking together. “I found her phone and lip gloss under my Jeep. I fell asleep and when I woke, my phone was missing.” A tear slips down my cheek and I impatiently brush it away, needing to keep my emotions under control.

“She never showed?” Vanessa’s voice rises to a hysterical pitch. “Oh my God, Max, I dropped her off and left. My grandma was taken to the hospital and Irelynn told me to take her to campus so she could meet you, while I drove to New Jersey.”
