Page 21 of Hula

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It is said with such kindness, my mood begins to lift. I remember where I am and who I am with. A little smile creeps onto my face.

“Promise? And I want you to lie if you don’t.”

“Promise. No lie.” There’s a pause. “Shall we dance? It worked once to calm your fears.”

Oh God. He dances. All dark thoughts lift and float away.

I nod and offer my hand. A smile spreads across his fine face. I am guided onto the dance floor with a hand on the small of my back. The musicians have noticed our approach and begin to play “I’ll Remember You.” Alek takes me in his arms with a gentle embrace. Then closer.

The clean scent of soap on his neck is heavenly. Feelings surge as his breath brushes my hair. Everything around us dissolves. The scenery, the people. His lips rest against my ear, and then a whisper.

“Are you real?”

Falling into step, the music carries us as one, smooth and fluid. It feels like we have been dancing together for lifetimes. It is quietly sensuous and more impactful than anything I have ever felt. Emotion over motion, our bodies tell the story. This old world seems brand-new.

Chapter 5


Early morning sun paints the sky and lights the waves. One lone stooped figure walks toward us in the distance. Otherwise, we are alone. Standing with our boards on the wet sand, Alana and I take in the angle and pattern of the breakers. I start the game we have played since she first learned to surf. The waves are huge, here in our minds.


Peripherally, I see her nod in agreement. She’s playing.

Even at our beach, it is important to study the water. The first time she got tumbled by a wave was scary for us all. Jody cried right along with her. Thinking of them together is poignant. Barely a few years of a mother’s love. We had not even hoped for that many.

“Sets of threes,” she adds confidently.

“Good read.”

In the past, I could reliably count on surfing to smooth out the kinks in our day. Both reward and classroom, I had her attention. In between catching waves we could just be together. Playing. Alana and me were good at playing. Back when I had this child rearing thing all figured out.

“So are you going to go on another date with her?”

Like a fish flying out of the ocean, the question surprises.

“Yeah. We had a good time. She’s nice.”

Thought that would be the right response. What I am getting in return is a look that questions my choice of words.



Then she chuckles like a fortune teller who knows the real truth.

“How come you’re so smart?” I tease.

“Because I know you, Dad. You never act that goofy.”

“Goofy? When did I do that?”

“I heard you on the phone last night, laughing. And your voice was different. Whatever.”

“I heard you on the phone last night too. Doing the exact same thing.”

There is a slight lifting of the corners of her mouth and a pressing together of lips, acknowledging the spot on read.
