Page 29 of Hula

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“To me.”

“Well, seeing you naked could inspire me.”

“To do what?”

“To adore you properly.”

God. She’s good. Lust is our puppet master now, time to dance.

“I was imagining you naked in the shower a minute ago. I was eating your sweet pussy.”

“Ohhhhh.” The one word reaction slips from luscious lips, and no command for me to stop follows. I’m smiling like a goon.

“Last night when you called, I was stroking myself.”

“I know.”


“I heard the rise in your breath and there was this moment when I thought you were going to come. It wasverysexy.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Let me be the one that makes you come, Alek.”

“That is about the sexiest thing I have ever heard a woman say.”

“I was touching myself too last night. I got so wet. Just like now.”

I stand corrected.Thatis the sexiest. She’s wet at ten in the morning? I am a goner. A brilliant idea surfaces.

“Want me to dry you off? With my tongue?”

We start chuckling. Both surprised by this sudden escalation and the uncontainable fire spreading inside.

“Wait! That didn’t come out right. We don’t want you to be dry. It would make more sense if you dry me off withyourtongue.”

“I accept the challenge.”

“I can be at your place in fifteen minutes.”


The connection dies.

I move like a man possessed. Rinse off. Deodorant, mouthwash, boxer briefs, shorts, shirt, cologne. I could dry my hair but fuck it. The wind will take care of that when I run down the beach, to the little red house with white shutters. Alana is in her room talking on the phone, Mom’s on a Zoom call with her friend. That works. No one better get in my way. Clear the decks!

Only Kanaka watches as I enter the living room. I gather phone, keys, the bottle of champagne from the refrigerator. We aren’t savages after all. The dog stares me down like a stern teacher silently judging my hidden intentions.

“Shut up.”

I’m out the door, down the steps and crossing the road. Luckily, no cars interrupt the trip. I get to the beach and start jogging toward heaven. The day has assembled for my pleasure. Glistening crystals in the sand, the albatross that floats on the water. Every small detail suddenly made obvious. I am higher than any bird ever flew.

Wait. Don’t want to build up a sweat when I am about to be blown. Sweaty balls. Disgusting.

Okay, slow your roll. I bring it down to a steady walk and run a hand through mostly dry hair. Leaving behind thoughts of my testicles, I go back to clinging to the clouds.

I have no intention of wandering from this wonderland. Where in this moment, Leilani stands naked in my imagination. I have to give my A game. What? I never had that thought in my life! What other game is there? For her though, it will be A plus.
