Page 37 of Hula

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“I’d have to agree with you there,” Leilani adds.

I pull up the chair that has been saved for me.

“You and Leilani’s mother put up with a lot from us boys back then. Obviously I am going to blame it all on puberty. And our general stupidity of course.”

“Listen, I didn’t hate that young guys found me attractive. I thought it was kind of adorable.”

“My son and his friends were under the impression they were irresistiblemen,” Mom says chuckling.

“I’ve since come to the conclusion delusional behavior is all part of the journey to manhood.”

“It’s all part of growing up. So what are you drinking? I want to go speak with Paula, can I grab you something?” Marie asks, standing.

“I’ll go with you, I have to bring these to her.”

“Okay, come on honey. You can fill me in on what you and Leilani have been doing.”

“This is not an interrogation, Auntie Marie!”

“Don’t worry. I can handle her,” Alek chuckles.

“That’s what you think. I have twenty years on you.”

“I’ll be right back. Save the next dance for me,” I say to Leilani.

“I will. And the one after that.”

Chapter 10


“Where is Alana tonight?”

Auntie Nani adjusts the angle of her outstretched leg as the dancers move past and takes a sip of Rose’.

“The girls are having a sleepover tonight.”

“They are a good bunch, those kids. Boys and girls.”

“I think so too. They are bringing her to life again. Did Paula tell you about the birthday celebration they’ve planned for Alana’s fourteenth?”

“Alek did. We will be there. I love the idea of a whole day’s festivities.”

“She doesn’t know the particulars, but Jeremy spilled the beans about the party at night.”

“That boy likes her.”

“I know. But she hasn’t picked up on that yet. She is too focused on Cash who is not interested in that way. When he calls she gets excited. I can tell.”

“Exactly. He is a good kid too, but his eye is on Ahn.”

“Alana sees that and would never betray her new friend. She is just admiring from a distance I think. Wishing the most popular boy would see her that way.”

“It’s the old story of growing up. We are so critical of ourselves. At least I was. Everyone else looks better to us. But Alana will get there. She is not going to have to worry about attention in a few years.”

Nani lays her hand on mine.

“I was going to mention to you she may need a little help shopping for a dress. My son is lost when it comes to picking out teenager’s clothes, and Alana needs a little guidance. Up to now she just wants to cover herself. A pretty outfit she feels good in would go a long way. Think you’d be up for the assignment?”
