Page 50 of Hula

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“What just happened?” I say.

“I’m glad. She should be enjoying this time. It is going to pass soon enough.”


Picking up the coffee cup I take a sip and think about the changing scene. We sit in silence for a minute before Mom adds her take.

“Ever since she went shopping with your girlfriend things have been different. That one dress changed everything.” Hold on to your hat son, you have now entered the Teenage Twilight Zone.”

She chuckles, and I do too, but underneath is a father’s trepidation.

“I love it! Look how cute it is!”

Alana enters the kitchen and I am not sure I recognize her in this incarnation. She just aged five years and morphed into something very close to a woman. She has bigger breasts than I knew. And a nice shape. So that’s what was hiding. She looks adorable. It’s too soon. Damn it.

“Isn’t it awesome?”

The bikini fits like a glove. Top and bottom. There is not one thing to criticize. I don’t think she should surf in the bikini though. It might not be sturdy enough if a big wave comes.

“Oh honey! You look great. It fits you perfectly.”

Mom’s enthusiasm will have to be enough for the both of us.

“Looks good. What about the wrap? You going to wear that?”

“Oh yeah, that’s good too. But she got my size perfectly! Can you believe it? I can’t wait to show Ahn and ... I’m going to call Leilani and thank her right now!”

She runs off, leaving us to our own thoughts. Mom gets up and heads for the kitchen. I am stuck in the chair. It isn’t the girls’ opinions I’m thinking about. It’s those fucking little water rats who are going to drool all over their pimply chins. I will be watching closely todayandtonight, for any monkey business. Monkey business? I am turning into my father.

“We better get to the decorations and food, Alek. The day will pass before we know it.”

I used the spotting scope more than a few times, just to see if things were going alright. There was no surfing on her part, but that didn’t stop the fun. Think she feels so great in the new suit, she doesn’t want to mess with the look. Maybe she doesn’t want to get her hair wet. It would be a new concern, usually reserved for high maintenance women. I don’t know. Hope not.

Finally stopped looking after I got pissed off at the boys for the third time. All of a sudden she has the attention of strangers on the beach. Think even Cash is showing more interest. From up here I see it. Bet that will piss off Ahn, who supposedly has had all his attention up to now according to Alana.

Guess my child will be dealing with these new problems from now on. That will be a given. Just hope she is strong enough to know her own worth. That is far beyond how she looks in a swimsuit or how big her boobs are. If she is a good friend, no boy will be able to break the bond.

My better sense eventually won out. I walked away from the scope. Or maybe I was only protecting my sanity. She wasn’t doing anything wrong, just enjoying the day. So I gave her and I a break, and worked on the night’s plans.

I check my watch. It’s nearly time for the party to start. Everyone was told to be here at seven and final preparations are in place. They should be arriving any minute. Let’s see. The food that can be laid out is, the birthday banner and assorted decorations are hung. No balloons. Alana has never liked them, but specifically for this party. She didn’t want anything childish. Her words.

So the more sophisticated and coordinated plan won out. Colors of the ocean for plates and cups, music chosen by her and her girlfriends. Leilani and Mom saw to the details, because in my mother’s words, ‘I don’t have a clue what teenagers like.’ Howshedoes I don’t know. It has been decades since she dealt with any and their likes and dislikes have changed.

Alana has been in her room for two hours now. I knocked once and by the sound of her voice knew not to go inside. She said she was just getting ready and would be out soon. For sure she is going to wear the pale pink lipstick Mom gave her yesterday as a pre-birthday gift.

You would have thought it was a gold bar. They hugged for a full minute, and Alana said it would be her favorite present. My mother would have killed me if I said she couldn’t wear it. Shit. Isn’t she too young for makeup?Calm down.

When she looked in my eyes and asked for permission I had to say yes. Sometimes it is hard not being what your child would consider a jerk. I knew it was my own fears talking though. That Alana is walking into a new world that holds so many dangers is freaking me out. It will be different from what boys face. Worse, because of the boys and men.

I need to stop dwelling on every scenario thatcouldhappen and remain in the present. The house looks really nice. The lighting is subtle, the long playlist is playing and the furniture has been moved to accommodate dancing. If there is any. I don’t even know if they dance anymore. Especially at this age. We did. This is the exact age it started.

The sound of heeled footsteps coming from the hall pulls my attention. Alana enters the room with happy hesitation. That is the only way I can describe the moment. The new shoes are her first heels. Well, small heels. The dress and its color make her look like a dream. She’s pleased, and how she feels is all over her face. The lipstick. It changes everything. I see the natural beauty of Jody in Alana’s face. More than I ever have before. She is her mother’s daughter. Time has passed so quickly. My heart fills with love.

“You look beautiful, honey. Beautiful.”

“See my shoes?”

“Very nice. The lipstick looks good too.”
