Page 68 of Hula

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“You deserve your due.”

“I didn’t realize you’ve seen me dance.”

“The hula community is small. News travels. Plus, I have watched you teaching the young ones on the beach. Many times.”

“So do you have any hula friends you can introduce me to, or a sister?” Noa says.

“Oh God,” I say. “Like you need someone to set you up.”

It doesn’t throw Leilani at all.

“I may have a few friends. No sisters. Let me get back to you on that.”


Chapter 18


“It’s your anniversary. Two weeks today.”

Nani smiles and takes care walking across the room, cane in hand. Kanaka and I follow. Whenever he tries to pass me, I give him a command to heel, and surprisingly he obeys, eyes never leaving her face. The love of his human surpasses his urge to lead or be by her side. The instinct to protect is greater. It is kind of beautiful to see.

“Is Lani coming over today?”

“I’m not sure. He has business to attend to at the farm.”

She chuckles.


“He told me his family teases him without mercy for all the time he spends here.”

“That’s what happens when you’re in love. Not that you’re in love. I don’t know that! I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions.”

She doesn’t deny the charge but turns to face me.

“Are you?”

“Yes. We are.”

She smiles with the declaration, and so do I.

“Good. I’m happy for Alekanekelo. For you too.”

“Auntie, I love him with all my heart.”

“He’s a good boy. All of my sons are.”

She continues the journey around the couch then takes her seat with care. Eyeing what sits on the table in front of her.

“What’s in the bag?”

“My manicure supplies. I’m going to do your fingers and toes.”

“Oh no! You don’t want to do that, honey. My toenails are hard to cut. I let the podiatrist do the job. You can do my hands.”

“Don’t be silly. You’ve let me help you in other intimate ways these last two weeks. I think I can see your toes. Now let’s pick a pretty color.”
