Page 22 of Bringing Emma Home

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She heard Aidan come up the stairs and scrambled to bury herself under the covers. When the door opened she called out, “What do you want?”

He entered the room, standing next to the door. “We need to talk, Grace.”

“You’re the one with the secrets. Why don’t you start?” she asked sarcastically. She was done trying to be the perfect, caring wife.

“Last night was difficult for you, and again, I’m sorry.”

She wanted to stay buried beneath the duvet, but if he was going to stand there talking, she decided to face him, to not back down or allow any feelings she had left for him sway her. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have anything to say and better to get it over now. She sat up, bracing herself against the mound of pillows. “Aidan, if you’d behaved like my husband and not some philandering shell of a man, you wouldn’t have to apologize. You have singlehandedly destroyed our marriage. I hope you’re proud of what you’ve done.”

She saw the hurt in his eyes, the way his hands shook as he held them against his face. “That was mean of me, but you deserved it,” she said, swinging her feet over the side of the bed while hugging the duvet close to her body, realizing, as she looked at her feet, that she was still dressed in the clothes she’d worn yesterday.

“You’re right. But we have to talk. I called the lawyer this morning, and he wants to know if we’re going to be in Spartanburg sometime this week to settle the estate.”

“What do you want me to do about it? She’s your daughter. And her mother was your lover,” she said sarcastically.

“She is our daughter, and she’s going to be part of our lives. I want to talk this over with you. I need to have your support on this.”

“My support?” She gawked. “You think after everything you’ve done that you’re entitled to my support?”

“You’re my wife, and you will be Emma’s mother.”

“Aidan! Wake up! I am not Emma’s mother and I’m not your wife. You made sure of that.” She couldn’t look at the sorrowful expression on his face any longer. Instead, she focused on the embroidered edge of the duvet.

“Grace, Emma is my daughter. I can’t abandon her now that her mother is gone.”

“Aidan, you’re not being fair. How long have I waited to have a baby, to share every bit of the experience with you? And now there’s this…this child, who will remind me every single day of my life that my husband has been unfaithful, appears and I’m supposed to be her stand-in mother?”

Grace balled her fingers into fists. “You should have been honest with me. About the affair and about this child. You knew the truth when we were at the lawyer’s office. And again you didn’t respect me enough to tell me the truth.”

Aidan rushed to the side of the bed and knelt in front of her. “I should have. I know that. And I have no explanation other than my own stupidity, my need not to have you angry at me. But now there is a child in our lives who just lost her mother and who will be going through a terrible time. I can’t leave her to deal with that without me. I—I can’t.”

His gaze implored her to understand. “I realize that this is a lot for you to understand and accept, but Emma needs me…needs us.” He took her hand in his, his fingers gently stroking the soft skin of her wrist. “I can’t imagine what life will be like for Emma now that her mother is gone. She’s only four and she is going to be alone if we don’t help her.”

“Why do you keep saying we?” Grace asked, feeling her throat tighten.

“If you’d come with me, you’d have a chance to see her and offer your caring and support. Grace, you’re the most loving and kind person on the planet. And there is a little girl in need of everything you have to offer. Don’t pass up the chance to help her because of the mistakes I made. Don’t make her life more miserable because of something I did. I will do anything you ask if you will come to Spartanburg with me.”
