Page 24 of Bringing Emma Home

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He nodded his head vigorously, his face tight with anxiety.

“Are you sure you’re telling me everything about your relationship with Deidre? How am I to believe that you weren’t in touch with her these past four years? Because it just doesn’t make sense to me. What woman would spend the money to prove who the father of her child was without ever telling him about it?”

“I have no idea why Deidre did what she did. But I swear to you, I had no contact with her.”

“And you and Deidre haven’t been seeing each other?”

“Grace, I have not seen Deidre since those two days five years ago. I’ve done a lot of things wrong, but I want to get this right. What I said last night about Emma being my child is only partly true. You’re my wife. I love you. And this is our child. I can’t help but believe that your faith in God had something to do with this child entering our lives.”

“What? You’re not making sense.”

“We love each other. We’ve tried everything to have a baby. And I’m really sorry that Deidre died. She was essentially a good person, but her passing has given us the gift we’ve been dreaming of for years. It may not have happened in quite the way either of us wanted, but it is a chance for us to start our family.”

She had always been a practicing Christian. She believed in God’s will and his plan for her and her life. Could it be that Aidan was right? Was this how God worked in their lives? She wasn’t sure. “Do you think it is possible?”

He nodded. “I do.”

Seeing the anguish on his face, Grace clasped his hand, her love for him reawaking within her. This was a very difficult situation, and they would be a long time working through it, but if they could… She leaned across the bed to touch him and tried to forget her fears and her suspicions.

If they were going to make their marriage work once again, she had to accept what had happened. If, in the end, they couldn’t work things out, she had to be certain that she’d done what she could to save her marriage. “I’ll go with you to see Emma.”

He kissed her hand, a long sigh escaping his lips. “You will not regret this. I promise you that we will do this together.”


THEY PACKED A few things and started out of town just as the sun began to warm the air. Grace couldn’t help but feel anxious. As much as she wanted to support Aidan and Emma, she was still in shock over what had occurred in such a short time. Doubt and betrayal continued to circle her thoughts, refusing to leave regardless of how she tried to think of God’s will.

She felt suspended, dislocated, since the lawyer had called. The news that Aidan would now be responsible for his daughter didn’t seem to be real, despite her earlier hope. “How are we going to make this all work?” she asked.

“To be honest, I’m still trying to figure out why Deidre didn’t tell me.”

“Maybe she never intended that you find out.”

“But why? All those meetings we held to discuss the operational issues of her company back five years ago, I thought I knew her. At least a little bit. I never pictured her as someone who would hide such important information from anyone, let alone me.”

“What do you mean by that?” Grace asked, feeling uneasy.

He glanced over at her. “I mean that she seemed so upright, so honest and caring. I’m surprised, that’s all.”

“How can you call her upright and honest? She went to bed with another woman’s husband. How can you defend that behavior?”

“Sorry that didn’t come out the way I intended. I meant in relation to her work.”

His supportive words for this woman were disconcerting. She searched for something to focus on as her stomach rose into her throat. “Did you make a reservation for us for tonight?”
