Page 46 of Bringing Emma Home

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Aidan remembered that weekend, the way Deidre came on to him, seducing him with determination and eagerness. He’d been totally surprised by her attitude and her clear intention to have sex, even though he didn’t have any condoms with him. He had never slept around on Grace, so had no need for such protection. Still, Deidre had assured him she was on birth control and had provided the condoms. Was it possible she’d misled him? Had Deidre intentionally gotten pregnant? Why hadn’t he insisted on buying his own condoms?

As he stared at the document, not reading a word of it, his mind scrambled over his memories of that weekend—the wild sex, the total freedom and excitement.

A sickening feeling flooded him, forcing him to face the ugliness of it all. Not only had he cheated on his wife, destroying the trust between them and breaking his vow to the only woman he’d ever loved, but he’d done it without thinking of the other possible repercussions of having sex.

He had shown little or no responsibility for taking precautions during sex with a woman he didn’t know well at all. He’d been careless and thoughtless.

Because of his actions, a little girl had been born without the advantage of having a father in her life. And now, because of Deidre’s decision to name him as guardian for her daughter, his marriage might not survive and Emma might still end up without a mother. What a hell of a mess he’d made of things.

He sighed inwardly as he met Larry’s inquiring gaze. “Obviously Deidre liked being in charge, so what else has she dictated?”

“What does your wife think of all this?”

Aidan grimaced. “She didn’t know about the affair. It’s really been very difficult for her, and quite frankly, my marriage is in trouble.”

Larry Knowles shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry for you and your wife, but my concern is for Emma. She deserves a stable environment. She has Lisa, of course, but no family to speak of.” The lawyer stared straight at him. “If you agree to the terms of the will, you have a huge responsibility.”

“And if I don’t take Emma, my daughter will become a ward of the state and put up for adoption,” he said, returning the lawyer’s demanding gaze.

“She will.”

“I messed up and hurt two people who were completely innocent. Now I have to make things right for them. I love both of them very much. I never knew what it felt like to be a father, and now I have a child who needs me in her life. I plan to take good care of her and to prove to my wife how much I love her.”

The lawyer’s expression softened. “Then let’s get to the will. Deidre left an estate of a little over five million, most of which is invested with a professional investment group here in the city. I have all that information when you’re ready to deal with it. I have all the documents ready for you to sign as the guardian. Deidre wanted you to move into her house.”

“But Deidre knew I have a wife, that I live outside of Charleston. Why would she think I would move here?”

“Again, Deidre looked at things from her perspective and what she wanted for Emma. Knowing her as I did, she probably thought that the combination of money and her home would entice you to move here. But I’m only guessing.” He shifted in his chair. “Why don’t I go through the will? If you have questions, we can address them. Would that work?”

Aidan listened to the lawyer as he read out the conditions. Sadness and regret washed over his mind. He’d hurt everyone he loved with his behavior, and now it was time to make amends. In his heart, he knew that Grace and Emma belonged together. He’d done a lousy job trying to bring that situation about. But from now on, he’d listen to his wife and do his best to allay her fears.
