Page 61 of Bringing Emma Home

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“How are you?” he asked when she answered.

“I’m okay, I guess.”

“Grace, I realize you’re angry at me and with good reason. But I was listening to you when you said we needed to work at making a plan for Emma and how she fits into our lives. I’m going to try and work from here for a week or so while Emma gets really comfortable with me, rather than coming home right away. In the meantime, I wondered if you and I could talk on Skype.”

She thought about it. Despite her anger and disappointment over his behavior, she couldn’t resist a chance to see him while they talked. “I would like that.”

“Would you like to do it now?” he asked, his excitement clear in his voice.

“I’d need to get over to the house to go on the computer. I’m at Lucas’s condo.”

“I can wait,” he said softly, his voice soft and intimate in her ears.

“Okay. I was about to take a bath, but it can wait.”

“No. I don’t want to rush you about this, and I know how much you love soaking in the tub. Why don’t you call me when you’re at the house and on your computer?”

“I will. See you in about an hour,” she said, a smile edging along her lips.

Excited and upbeat, Grace drove over to her house, took a shower, blew her hair dry and put on makeup. Touching up her lipstick, she felt as if she were going out on a date with Aidan, rather than simply talking on Skype.

Settling in front of the computer in the den, she dialed Aidan’s Skype number, startled by how quickly his face appeared on the screen. “You look great,” he said.

He seemed anxious, his eyes searching her face. “You, too.” She smiled at his compliment.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” she asked as she searched his face, waiting to see if anything had changed.

“Ah… I… You’re right. We do need to work a few things out around when I bring Emma home. I’ve thought about what you said. I’m not putting our personal problems on the back burner while I stay here. I thought it might be better for both of us if we worked on Emma’s needs while I’m with her. I can only really make amends for what I did to you by being with you and working through our problems.” He cleared his throat nervously. “I… What do you think?”

She didn’t like his plans to stay longer in Spartanburg rather than coming home. Yet he was willing to communicate with her where Emma was concerned, which made Grace feel hopeful for the first time in days. She would have preferred that they talk in person, but given the circumstances, she was willing to compromise. “I agree. We need to put together a plan for Emma. How is she doing?”

“She seems okay, but I’m not sure. I have no idea how to recognize the symptoms of emotional distress, and I don’t want to do something that would cause her any permanent damage.” His concern was evident on his face. “I wonder if we should hire a child psychologist for her. At least to do an assessment. What do you think?”

Realizing that he was asking for her advice, she impulsively touched the screen. “I think that might be a good idea. Neither of us knows enough about grief in children. We need all the help we can get. What does Lisa say?”

“I haven’t really asked her that question, as I feel it’s our decision to make.” He smiled at her, lifting her heart. “Do you have any other ideas on what we need to do to help Emma?”

“You could ask her kindergarten teacher how she’s doing. Other than Lisa, that’s someone who would know if there has been a change in her behavior.”

“That’s a great idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Or Lisa, for that matter. I will arrange to meet with the teacher and see what she says… I miss you.”
