Page 77 of Bringing Emma Home

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She opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Lucas gave a long, slow whistle. “Sis, you look spectacular,” he said, pulling her close. “Aidan won’t know what hit him.” He led her to the living room. “Maria, what do you think? Is my sister not the most beautiful sister in the world?” His voice was filled with pride.

Maria strode across the room to hug Grace. “That dress is perfect on you. It brings out your eyes.”

Maria’s job as fashion coordinator for the local department store meant that she always dressed well, another trait Grace admired about her. She had been so kind since Grace had moved into the condo. “If you like it, then I’m good to go,” Grace said.

“The only thing I’d add is a smoky tone to your eye makeup,” Maria said, heading toward the bathroom. Quickly and with complete confidence, she applied the shadow to Grace’s lids. “Aidan is one lucky man. That’s all I can say.”

Maria’s gaze met Grace’s in the mirror. “I think Aidan needs his butt kicked for the way he’s behaved. I mean, he had everything and he tossed it for a hookup. Men. Sometimes I wonder…”

“You’re not wondering about Lucas are you?” Grace asked.

“No! But before Lucas I was involved with someone who didn’t tell me that he’d had an affair on the side. I was so hurt and angry. I had invested my total self in the relationship only to find out that he’d been with someone else.”

Grace touched Maria’s arm. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. It was really messy at the time, but when I realized that he was the one who made the mistake, not me, that I was the excuse he used to justify what he did, I got angry. And getting angry saved me from slipping back into those patterns of thought.” She gave her forehead a gentle smack. “Sometimes I wonder what we women use for brains when it comes to men.”

Grace experienced an odd sense of comfort. What had happened to her had happened to someone strong and amazing like Maria. “You’re right. This isn’t my fault at all. I wasn’t the one who broke our marriage vows.”

“That’s the attitude, girl. You just remember that you deserve a man who knows how to treat a woman. Someone like your brother,” she said, winking. “And if Aidan doesn’t come to his senses and behave like a loving husband, he’ll have my man to deal with.” She teased Grace’s bangs a little. “You look like a sexy woman on a mission.”

“How serious are you and Lucas?” Grace asked.

Maria nodded her head slowly, a smile filling her face. “Very serious.”

“Oh! That’s great!” Grace hugged Maria.

“Isn’t it? I’m excited. He’s asked me to go looking for a diamond with him, but I’m a little more traditional. I’d like him to pick something he likes. As for me, it’s not about the diamond. It’s about our future together.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s not about the ring. It’s about the love and the future together. I can’t wait to have you as my sister-in-law.”

“I’m so lucky. We’re both taking it slow, getting used to being with each other, to sharing our lives, our interests.” Maria glanced at her watch. “You’d better get a move on. You’re going to be late picking Aidan up. By the way, I think it’s totally cool that you’re driving—shows him you’re in control.”

“I hope so.” Grace hugged Maria a second time, went to find her evening bag, kissed her brother’s cheek, then headed for the door. “Love you. See you both later.”

“I guess I can’t ruffle your hair the way I did when we were kids,” Lucas said.
